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Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1044    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

halls, I didn��t want to go out into the yard, I didn��t want to come face to face with those guys, the ones who were going to ruin my life but as the bell ra

ved out to Tokyo 6 months ago. Being half Japanese and half English, I would��ve thought that I belonged to both countries but really, I didn��t belong anywhere, I just wanted to be alone. Alone and away from anyone toxic. I was born in Japan but my biological p

ounts of money, coming home early in the morning, leaving in the middle of the night. We could say that my entire life was a mess but it was fine, none of it bothered me, of course, I wanted a family who actually cared about me, I wanted a

ng about the consequences of what could happen if a 16 year older school girl would be roaming the streets at

i is

e it out of the hallways and managed to get out to the back of the school yard, trying to rush home when I was stopped by someone and


had a devilish look on his face, like he was here to

, where were y

is group of friends, they were all stood there in a distance staring at us��. They were staring at me. And as much as I wanted to avoid any eye conta

�t look at him as anything more than a murderer because that��s what he was and even still, it seemed as though, he was watching me like he wanted to swallow me

was h

tually home last night but he never asked where I was before I got home s

ri, I��d really hate to�

held another hint of threat as he grabb

apart your

if I didn��t want to even find out what he meant by tearing apart

the alleyway, but I d

h off my sentence as he slapped hi

that is a p

k ew that�� my

as o

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