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Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1317    |    Released on: 31/08/2022


is this?" Bet

an... He usually stays away when he knows we're here; Al

Courtesy of Eli

at his side, his nostrils were flaring, and he was scowling at me. I lifted my bro

uickly obliged. "I'm going to speak to the Alpha... By the time I ge

n't in the lak

esemble his. Disrespecting another pack member isn't exactly setting a good example, but I have no

s... But you're in my pack, Lila.

my shoulder as I resumed my skat

the middle of the pack,?and maybe... About the way, I behaved toward

out again, so I've probably done them a favour. I didn

, Lila!" Dad growl

s... It's not my doing." I chuckled. "But yo

oming," Dam

less chickens. They were tumbling over each other, and

l in my life. I wish I could have rec

frozen?" Alpha

er me up," I whined. I could see amusement in mum and dad's eyes as they s

t you did?" He asked, lo

" He replied, glan

Alpha Mateo picked up their lit

rmal later," He chuckled as he sl

un her around carefully. Dad grabbed mum's hand and pulled her onto

oined us on the ice, and it suddenly

ng together hand in hand, laughing and gazing into e

hem all being all lovey-dovey, not when my heart

I wanted to wallow in self-pity for a little while before I got my act

d up the stairs to the room. I huffed a

rted to normal. I forced myself away from the door and moved ov

ply and exhaled in relief. The smell of nature

o?" Levi asked t

ard to the balcony fe

e. I'm going to get an early night." I replied. Hop

s and I will come. Mum offered

g my forehead on

row, Levi. I love you, and thank you a

, he should leave me alone now. I know

t's my favourite part of the day. When the sun goes down, the moon ri

ie flooded my senses. I lifted the hoodie and held it

t stronger towards me. I stared out into the distance and l

lickered a few times before disappearing then appearing closer to me. They were

stance with one hand on the ground. I ran throug

... I know he's there. As I get cl

anting for breath. Once I reached the fence, I

. How the fuck am I supp


ctric current pulsing through the bars. Wow, they rea

how I'm supposed to get out of here. I don't know

and he was standing there,

see him clearly. He was fucking gorgeous. I don't know what colour his natural

ilky, and I wanted to run my fingers through it. Although he was gazing at me... His li

heel to run, an

't bother coming bac

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