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Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1267    |    Released on: 31/08/2022



y teeth together. Out of every

exploded in my stomach as I realised he gave me his hoodie... I know I probably onl

han me, so his hoodie should have covered me nicel

oodie to my face. I could smell his scent all over me

mum, Damon.

heard him moving forward. I snarled in w

ender and snorted before jog

n't just leave me out in the middle of nowhere. After al

er left. He could have watched me from a distance to see what I'd d

hts of him touching me again. I wish I had looked at him now... I couldn't see his features that well. I

My dad's panicked voice

r me with concerned expressions. My dad wrinkled his nose before

know they'll be asking questions, but I also know they

ushered everyone away with a

't speak; she sat quietly and waited for me to start. I loved that about

dn't fall as I sat up. I took a long, exasperated br

et her hand over mine and offered me a small

bs were throbbing, pins and needles were darting up and down everywhere. It was the ma

Will he feel the effects? Will it drive him insane be

while he carries on

thed in his scent... Everything smelled like him; the hoodie, my skin. I'm not going to bathe for a while, s

need to be careful; otherwise, the pack will be getting an

dered into view, holding out some clothes. I smiled at her. I took the sweatp

you'll be left alone. You look completely wiped out." She stated. "I g

in a place she disliked because of me. I'll tell her we can leave t

n me... So, it's best for me if

t it?" She queried

ed. "I get to keep you for a

. You know you're welcome h

each other as much as they would want but when they

I raised my brow at her and stif

ed. "Good... Because I've still yet t

." Mum

ever want to hear again. I used to put my earphones in to drown out the sounds. It got to the point whe

ed up in entertainment. "Ah... She's

"Ok, enough of that. Lila, get some rest

house," I mentioned. "I'll see you later." I gave the

n't block him from my mind. I used to dream abo

were destined to a warlock and a vampire. Mum wasn't pregnant at the

lias, he's the warlock, and they are so sickly in love. The prophecy worked out

y, but he didn't look?that?shocked. Mating between species hasn't ever been heard

t going to chase him; not that I co

ing alone... I've been alone f

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