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Saintwood: The Next Generation

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2051    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

know you, w

ere as the fearsome three. The others stood near and watched history in the making. Drew

atural,” Elijah

quiver like petty bitch

or said, hu

came and got me. I walked down the stairs, saw the entire

came into the living room a

tions with my daught

other, make her fall in love with me.” He grinned. That was the wrong thing to s

fear, Drew rolled his ey

cles looked a

for real?”

lot of balls to say somethin

“What is your game t

d whispered, “Can yo

mething tells me this guy isn’t li

and three, I have better things to do,” Drew said. He never raised hi

of his shirt as he rubbed

though,” Drew said

that?” D

s your family, why is your daughter getting bulli

h would tell us if someone bullied her,

foot. I could feel my cheeks heat as

ed. These past two years, I endured hell only to have a strange u

e put a hand on my upper arm and lifted my c

ded me of the harsh words and contacts that I received at school. I flinched when anyone trie

ll, and I turned, running up the stairs with everyone hot on my he

. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sobbed. I was never afraid of my dad ever because I was always

e caught me alone and always threatened me to stay quiet. So, like most people, I remained silent

he door, Ryan,” Mom sa

,” Dad said, putting

ck the door dow

at by now. We reinforce these doors with steel. Dad had t

ordan said. He ran his hands throug

re out what to do. RJ popped his head o

went into Matt’s bedroom, between RJ and my bedroom. They stuck

idiot doing?

til it was leaning next to my window. Then they watch

him, “What? It’s true. Did any of you think to do that? Yeah, didn’t t

and stood next to my bedr

anything,” D

handed hi

know what’s going on.” RJ shrugged. Dad and Mom looked at

sniffled as Drew sat there and whistle. I looked up with tear streak cheeks at him. H

in mid-whistle. “I’m sorry. Was I interrupting s

red a

I’m handsome and outstanding. I need

e my family found out my secret, and Drew sits he

g to you. I know you’re a lot stronger than you look. By letting a

you don’t know the things Maddox d

nd what they put her through, she fought back. Since yo

ow about my mo

He stood up and unlocked the door. Drew moved me out of the way, then opened the door. My family fel

you always listen in on private conversatio

said. Drew ro

ot up and

” Drew said. Jordan threw his fist. Drew caught it, turning an

d?” Jordan aske

t week. It’s time you all knew who he is.” Dre

and looked him in the

smile crept across his l

membered getting a call from Mason that he was sending help. The only thin

s a lot,” Fra

had any kids, let alon

st, you keep things to the

ifferent from yo

while I got Dad’s kick-ass attitu

? Because no one has ever taken down Jordan

o have a pussy for a son,” he grin

Hunter?” Mat

you want to mess with things. I’ll leave it at th

for a while or get the third degree, which you guys need to s

t Drew, who grinned. Wow, for once, t

” I said to him as I fi

oor, he turned to me, “So

eath then exhale

ispered, “I meant what I sai

and asked,

ed, making my face turn a deeper shade of red. “But I will let you know I’m

couldn’t help but think, what did I get into with this guy? I closed

, grasping my chest.

e bullying,” Mom said, putting her

we sat down as I explained everything from the start. Dad leaned in and lis

ear. I went to bed and lay there, trying to get some sleep. Everythi

into bed with Mom. She had been reading


I bet they waited until Junior graduated to

one. We all missed it,

ow, with your zealous fan, this will make

ore interesting,” Mom said to Dad, and he

bbing Mom and tickling her, which lead to

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