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Saintwood: The Next Generation

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1425    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

ation, sa

llions by the time we got there. They are the type that you ne

out of the car with Austin, Mack, and Nik. He ordered them into the school, along with the double trouble t

the three of us. “I do

l us the past two

jah rolled his eyes, and I looked past them as s

I said, walking away fro

oing?” Matt yelled at

tention, or should I sa

s,” said Junior, standing ther

disappeared into the crowd. I sighed and went to my locker. I opened it, put my stuff away except

know what you’re thinking, and no. It doesn’t relate Uncle Frazier to Maddox, although Maddox’s family and my

was, plus I was careful. Then he decided he wanted more. But I had no interest. Then it got w

would do, but I was more afraid of what Maddox

g, then stopped. It sent chills down my ba

n’t Lezzie,” Ma

alling me that,” I sa

snarky attitude. Thanks to Maddox, guys wouldn’t ask me out, and I got taunted by the girls. Even though my br

asn’t around anymore. I would be one less thing that would

addox!” I spoke th

r to me, whispering in my ear. “You could have

tching it. He pushed me up against the locker, pinning my wrist a

g at me. He was about to hit me, making

lean muscular build, with red hair and ocean blue eyes. He was wearing short sleeves, revealing two tat

that if I were you,” the

s face drained of color. Maddox let go of me, and the guy let go of Maddox’s fist.

disrespect this girl again, you will never see daylight. D

Maddox to scramble to his feet and take off like a bat

lking away. What the heck was that? Better q

ater, Matt and

halls looking like he pissed himself

uy I never met before scared the living shit out of

to my first class, leaving them bo

on. It didn’t work. I got the same taunts I got every year, thanks to Maddox. The only time they st

name-calling. I shrunk into my seat, trying to go unnoticed. Thank god for my high IQ

bother to look up. It was the teacher getting ready to start the course. I put my head on

xt to me. It was Matt or Elijah, so I kept dood

r than you already are?” I ask

t?” The pe

en someone compares you, even though you

?” The person

topped talking as my eyes widen. I found mysel

in his hand, looking at me. “So, are you go

Elijah is my cousin,” I

hear that,” the gu

class. Oh, god, I finally talked to the guy I followed, and now

each time, I turned to face the front of the class. Okay, I don’t

now why I felt like this was a big setup since people set me prior. That’s a story for ano

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