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The Gray Sisters: Expect The Unexpected

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1052    |    Released on: 07/09/2022



ttended my first class. Then, after class, I got a coffee

vanilla cappuccino. I’l

and I turned to see


He smile

offee, and Major paid for it. I

t, L

and turn

e to join me f


sat down. I set my books dow

e to go on a d

not knowing

d a movie. No f

ner and a


r and a movie

lips, as did mine. We talked

movie, huh? I



one to help her. “Mia, this is Mrs. Appl

ll be bac

ng smile, and she hugged me. I

g better but needed reassurance and love. It would take ti

errick made sure of that. We were luck

as she got

Michael aske

ured her I would b

glad Mia

ass, I returned to Mia, ma

” She threw her arms a

old you I would

, Lakin.” Mia buried h


d, she slid her hand into mine. That was

ere. It’s the same thing. Once she was in a routine,

p. While I talked to Mrs. A

p, and Mia

missed you!

too, Mia,” M

et something to eat, and I’ll be

Marshall coaxed Mi

earshot, I turned to M

she’s having so


lop bigger issues with head trauma resulting from brain damage. We ca

was fine before everything. Someone didn’t like

at me with

ecuring her future since s

do you

after it because they want to move on. But, someone took it upon

t be able to finish school because of what happened. Derek took

ep on his toes. But this would also help with a caregiver to help her when I cou

es. For example, Mia was more important to me than having kids. I know pe

ll and Mia sit

in.” She

girl.” I s

arshall said before

t my hand

with me. We went back to her house. Luckily, Mic


she struggled a lot. But, unfortunately, with

fraid of that. He r

all’s for restitution. Also, it would help wit

e idea, Lakin. I’ll c

llowed to g

ver to her. “Baby girl, too much has happened. The s

er brows. “Tha

oing what’s b

what’s bes


hild! I’m not a child! I am Mia. I am twe

ed. It was the first

.” She

rms around her

ged was an unfamiliar area? The only way to find out was to take her t

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