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The Gray Family: Forces Of Nature

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1395    |    Released on: 07/09/2022

od thing when a


gged his ass back to the house. The last thing we need is Pops visiting us. What part of chill d

down on the couch and

don’t,” I told Pax. I looked at Pat. “I understan

ooked at me

ned the twins. I shook my head and went upstairs, having enoug


row,” Josie said, kissing Payton, then leaving

tairs, leaving

college blows,”

oo busy making orders. We should sha

t us arrested

ps when the cops brought us home a d

es,” Pat

nothing to do with me, then I will have my f

tomorrow. Patton, Kaxon, and Mason were comi


k to our rental h


ve a proble

going o

ax, and Mason wants to pursue some girl I don’t think feels the

he most sensible. I know you wil

temper flare, all hel

t’s going on with the boys. Lex doesn’t play games, and he

someone else’s brother’s keeper,” I

of irritating Grandpa, but there’s never a t


this probl

ou so I ca

r I will kick thei

ckled. That

ssues, and dad put me i

n’t always think

m more level-hea

e has to get the brains out of this fami

see that,

wins out of trouble, or mini-Nash will visit, an

owed up, it was never a good thing. He

I have a feeling tomorrow will start a s

to get some sleep. The


dy. I came downstairs to grab bre

ignoring us now

ent about my busines

will have a peaceful mor

t saying a word. Pat came down and


s Pax?”

ho is ignoring us. He left,

e Parker and Pax fought, they never took it further. Pax could still talk to Parker. I’m the opposit

f you have going between the both of you is stupid. We a

it, Parker,”

gh to babysit one brother; we don’t need unnecessary issues with you two

ast night. I know you worry about Pax, but sometimes

hat it’s like to watch

ed at me wi

then watch Shaun pursue him, then drop him. Shaun asked for Pax to wait for him. Pax did, even aft

d at me, say

on’s expression, I’m guessing he knew because Pax told him. “Pax found someone to fill a void, thinki

better person. Out of our brothers, you’re more cautious and help when you feel someone needs it. Patton, I hate we butt heads

my brother when he needs it. Plus, I have more

sues?” P

eyes as Pay wa

Pat?” Payton r

anned her from dat

y?” He qu

ef with each other,” I answered as Pay lo

ession contor

s not fair to hold a grudge for so lo

ops. Another family member attacked Aunt Larkin. It isn’t a smal

d. I didn’t know any of th

itt because she has a ps

k his head

I questioned. My brows furrowed. I know my family went through a

Be careful, Patton. History is hard to erase because

to someone. I made a call and explained what I needed. T

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