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The Gray Family: Forces Of Nature

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1445    |    Released on: 07/09/2022

with a c


me in town. We walked around town

rubbing his hands together. “It seems the id

other, then back at the s

ing but fags to me,”

at the tool who t

’s sexuality. Didn’t anyone tell you Nancy boys that

you say, rim job?”

n, I didn’t know this campus holds tha

e-up us, which they failed

od in front of us laugh. “You reek so much that Shaun won’t lower his s

the four guys out, then I grabbed Sable’s hair. I d

uld give you a reason to run it, you cu

ering the bullshit she put Parker through in high school. I got

nk that you’re taking thi

r keep your trap shut,” I snapped as I

me,” Sabl

, you stupid bitch,” I said, ya

oving my brother as she started running. I caught Sable as

went after Sable. Mason left to get

Kaxon yelled as I ha

to subdue me. I ended up hitt

appen. The situation got messy when I heard people yell a

and looked to see Shaun standi

Shaun as he

here while Parker and Payton restrain me. Shaun shook his h

o face them. Mason, Kaxon, and Pat gave me a disap

pset, but what was t

for what she did to

er clothes off her like an animal.

ecurity showed up, and my brothers explained what happene

Dean’s office, who calle


o find out if the school is kickin

d Pax’s in deep shit. Pops wil

sn’t find out,”

ep that from happen

. We explained what was happening, and the


need now. Then I heard two voices as I looked at the doorway to see Aunt L

. Gray?” The

rick answered as L

g nothing because

look different,”

’re old,”

e Dean sai

has a temper and let it get

ted Sable Andrew

son, Parker. She distributed child

oked at Lar

g, and Sable told Paxton that sh

here, s

someone who gave you a n

id, stunned. Lady, yo

pid shit again if you let him off with a

ny other serious offenses, we can g

” Maverick blur

months. If there’s no further incident, I’ll lift the probation. Paxt

as I shook my head. She turn

ffice. I came out to find


can’t have any contact with Sable. If I’m a good boy, they

e glad your dad didn’

gle and with no social life. I’m living

’t kick me out. This reinforces the fact Shau

rd someone say, “Before you storm o

ick walking towards m

the line for you. We didn’t want you to get

cookie?” I aske

again, you don’t understand th

Well, shit. Pops walked up to me, grabbed my

as everyone followed. Pop

ur bullshit. You’re adults, and now it’s time to act like it. Since you disregarded my warnings,

ed, standing up.

ridiculous. You are getting jobs,” Po

get a job?”

he bakery. Our family knows the family that owns it.

orks there!”

work together,”


hers groaned. “You’ll appreciate the shit

t will suck ass. Well, Pops punished me his way. He’s forcing me to wo

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