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Love without confidence

Chapter 5 Rayna's POV

Word Count: 1055    |    Released on: 11/07/2022

nd pillow," he added, getting it fr

pillow and duvet

on the sofa,

p on the sofa," he added, leavi

a t

which was nice,

in fiction but had no idea someone's pe

ncing what I used to write abou

I feeling

s lover or

ly a budd

ddy, more lik

he first time I've encoun

have written a chapter to distract myself, but I don't, so I clos

re rep

at I'm embarrassed

ve you, you should stop ea

ince no one will marry you b


r nigh

stomed to it, ye

have no idea what will

t, but my dream

whether this

I saw the lights in the kitchen were turned on. I took a

was bare-chested, so I moved

n my fingers o


encing these st

e room, where I lay down on the bed and clo


d him standing in front of a mirror, b

appealing with his b


you think

and noticed that it

muttered as he stopped brush

id you get enoug

ite comfy," I answer

sounded li

eady for school, so tidy up and come dow

n walked down the hall to find the kids sea

ing," I sa

t at the table, and Aaryan brought me a

eat apple

verything on your

onstantly hav

king of me

?" Piya said, and I sn

," I

u return?" Su

busy," Aaryan remarked

to see you both," I responded, gazing

but not apples since I don

hen the sandwich," Aaryan replied

the sandwich, but Aar

then only will you receive this." She b

s she completed her apple bowl and han


hey entered their sch

our home," he remarked as I s

re obstinate one,

Surya is extremely peaceful until someone bother

rom a love

n excellent job raising the childr

ink so?" I


me tougher as kids get older," he r

rtment," I stated

ve here?"

seventh flo

and he was astonished by my req

r on his phone an

umber, I'll contact you to inquire

I finally have a buddy,"

"I remarked as


t home until about 8 p.m. I showered

er with a book in

pper, I realized I had forgotten to contac

a few pages, but I couldn't focus since

yan in the mo

bed, knowing I would wake up ag

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