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Castellanos - A Flame That Never Dies

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2097    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

essa Cas

ver staying too long in one place. I never crossed over a month in a city or

to that place again. I walked away from everything and everyone

sed to break down. All the money that I had was back in Amsterdam where I cou

on was to sneak on a ship to get away from there.

me. I became a stray

ty. More like erasing them. Or her from the world. So, when I found h

at reminded us of what we had done. But mine couldn��t be comp

ting her own reflection. She despised the people that birthed h

handy though. T

ive for a while without having to run away. She owned a house here and

we both hit the club. Drinking, dancing, wasting our eterni

ing once left our minds. Not even for a

t pester her on hers, but I clearly knew why though. And I did feel for her, but I

calls out, breaking me out of my thoughts. I stand up from

f coffees and croissants heading towards

place the tray on the tab

head back to the counter where Harmony was looking outside the window towards the beach

�s so nice outside.�

ake my head and chuckle. ��You say that every da

It would be nice if I were out there in the sea.�� She stands up straight. �

��s not like you need any more money.�� I look around t

now had her hands on her hips with a slight pout on

�You bet, I am.�� I chuckle at her, heading back to lounge on the sofa which was heavily

� I hear Harmony��s vo

summer sky and the soft breeze of the ocean. Maybe it was because I was born within the

good reg

� The girl says. I open an eye and turn my head slightly to look at them. ��We will be defini

smile at the

them both. They try to take their hands off her awkwardly, but s

their soul. I know what she was doing as

�� Harmony smiles sweetly at them. The couple both nod their head as they

. This was how she managed to stay in this place for so long. This was ho

music swallowed my being as I step through the crowd of almost naked bodies, slammed against one

s were already drunk and grooving on the dance floor, sucking whoever they could. Not the be

since I sat down. ��Anything for you, beautiful.�� He chuckles trying to flir

music. Even though we chose to stand down, she stood out like a goddess amongst these h

along with her, putting their arms around her waist. But as soon as her hand was i

s. She could manipulate their very thoughts

of savages. She knew how to. She had left the comfort of

u are, be

on the counter, playful eyes hinting me, and a sexy grin on his lips. He was one good looking hu

enough. N

istles, his gri

way.�� He turns around to grab a bottle and pour it down. I quickly grab it and chug it down

ter how many different clubs or bars that I went to, they

t that I was ever in his presence. And t

that promise to the goddess, would I have st

ugh to clench this thirst. Nor subside any

way. Only it made me forget just for a moment. I slam the glass

r neck. She almost died because o

e, making the imag

s eyes were somehow worried, concerned. ��Are you going to be alright? I m

concern you.�� I gulp down the drink and place it down. I open my wallet and take

took two steps before Harmony grabbed my arms and pulled me towards the

efinger on her lips as she keeps dragging me, until we are amidst them. Her b

rs as the loud music drowns her voice. I flicker my eyes around casual


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