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Castellanos - A Flame That Never Dies

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1620    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

her Cons

und. But I still had nothing. How was she hiding so well? Then my mind goe

y nowadays. If not that, I would have killed half my men already. My Lycan was growing impatient as the ti

arms as my lungs recalled her, that intoxi

e sea. I parked my car as I came across a small town. It was situated on a hill right beside the beach, covered with layers and layers of ho

ally as beautiful as the rest of the place here. My eyes briefly scanned thr

d me towards it. I came to an edge and saw a stair leading down to the beach. Right in front of the sta

d around the pastel blue decorations of the insides of the caf��. A linger scent tightened a knot in my heart a

here. But how long ago? My hands clamped on the arm of the sofa

se her after ge

op in a tight fist. ��Hey, where��s the girl that was sitting

and mine imitated her actions. How did I not smell her? Was I

usty copper eyes with yellowish golden sparkle a

Artino i

sentence. I shake my head in disbelief and I

d state and her eyes fumed with pure hatred. ��Don��t ever call me that.�� She h

nder. ��I don��t know wha

leave.�� She leaned back and stood straight. Her arms f

ou as well as someone else that seemed to have tagged along with me.

king about.�� She tries to act d

ook into her eyes. ��I won��

?�� She questions

ing to hear that. She swallowed her nervousness as she tried to hold my intimidating glare. ��W

ssed. I saw the shock on her face. Her arms unfolded and she took a step back, her

lying right? I mean why would anyone leave their true mate?�� She

counter. ��Why don��t you tell me where s

at was on the counter and I narrow my eyes at her. She swallows and trie

fast, A

at me angrily. The copper golden eyes of he

es straining out. My chest was heaving as my vision started to cloud. My Lycan was winning over me. It never happened to m

shevelled to a point where I didn��t even know who I was anymore. Goddess, help me, for I will destroy your creation, every

tom lips. My vision now fully clouded by my fury.

t, palms facing my way. ��Calm down now.�� She say

ng inside of me. Deep growls kept forming on the b

r jingled announcing an intruder. I growled loudly as

ehind her, blowing her soft blond hair which was now cut

of hers parted slightly. I felt the air around us sizzling with current an

er and looked down at her as her blue eyes too never left mine. I bought my hands to linger o

owards her until my head was on the base of her neck. A soft gasp escaped her lips as soon as my forehe

k to my human self. I turned my head towards her neck, my


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