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Althea - The Female Alpha

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 616    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

f they hurt her, they would hurt one of their own. So, he had gone to get the Alpha leaving the girl with other warrio

ust saw Matt coming in, he was confused. Why would his beta come to him empty handed when he clear

bowing his head. He waited

it?” he c

looking for her mate who seems

h her mate once she finds him. If we hurt her, then we’ll also be hurting our

letting a growl, “And you believe t

ne. I don’t think she has any other motives.” he paused. “I thi

hing wrong so he supressed his growl, stood from his chair and

he didn’t feel disgusted by the smell as it soon was overpowered by a sweet vanilla and lavende

, his wolf

bored into his blue eyes as a crease started to form on her perfect forehead as a realisation hit her. She thought h

ask the Alpha to leave h

t, his muscle bulging from his tight black t-shirt which he wore with a dark blue

m look sexy. He smelled like fresh mint which didn’t help. His body showed power, dominance,

roke the comfortable s

he warriors. Then he turned to Matt and sa

he knew she had little time before her own pack would start searching for her as she

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