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Althea - The Female Alpha

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 798    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

o nothing. The men on the bar couldn’t help but lust ove

red. Most of all her dark eyes showed so much at the same time so little which made her mysteriously attractive. But the air around he

er feet, sliding her backpack on one shoulder, she moved across the bar heading tow

ll the air. She looked around to see the source of the scent. Her eyes landed

alarm the werewolves in the car. After what seemed like hours of cha

ruled the whole of North America and their Alpha was the strongest in the whole

ears ago. No, he hated the rouges, he despised them, killed them on sight if seen anyw

w growl of annoyance at the fact that her mate was on this pack. She d

the pack. But no one had seen her face, as she was too busy finding her parents killer. All

ge of eleven and became the Alpha. The Alpha’s ruthlessness and fierceness after the war did no hel

o one else. No one knew that her parents had a child. They said it was to keep her safe until

territory, find her mate and then take him with her back home. She opened up h

had no other way to explain herself if asked who she was and what she was doing. And she would never reveal her true identity t

not like they wouldn’t attack her if she wasn’t a roug

d also, do not try to contact me. I’m going to be busy and I'll be back in about a

cause rouges don’t have a pack, they don’t contact each other. Th

ncealing her own scent, knowing soon the three wo

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