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By Ruthlessness I Rule

Chapter 2 2.

Word Count: 1544    |    Released on: 12/07/2022



. "Miss me already?" Hearing his chuck

as I stopped at the traffic light a

ttle shit. Why a

conds ago." He paused, and I knew there was more, so I clutched the steering wheel tightly so

t have survived my seizures without having you

l Talia endured with me. And thank God she was with me, because I doubt I would've s

d only hope that Jack didn't notice. I was on the verge of crying

ctically hear the goofy smile in his voice as I smiled to

from her mother's grasp as she tried to give her some sort of smoothie.

ed, clearly frustrated with her mother. Only then did her mother notice m

–she had the same smile as Talia's

, and I swear I'm saving you a headache over her

ASAP. Now bye!" he sai

k about this later. I mean, I'm still ten minutes older, so I deserve

ed the car. She attacked me with a bear hug w

top yelling in my ear!" She only laughed, backing away from me as sh


use over the years we'd spent together, I came to understand that Talia doesn't only ha

d a hard time understanding it but I knew it was bad enough f

choice." I was annoying her, and she knew it, but she still groaned with a smile o

for the senior year, and we both

hatever chaos he brought with him,

hing was off when I didn't hear the sirens go off

we needed to pass this year, one way or another... even if it

h, I'm talki

e Ge

e, and I'd had just about enough of her

went to sit on my chair, but not before I said one more t

tter is even a word your mother told you, given who she is." That was the final straw for Blake as she raise

that was

eant to send chills down your spine and cause goosebumps to cover your body. It was a voice you sho

round and crossed her arms in front of her chest as we all watched. 'T

d bet my life that everyone in the room was holding t

I get angry." The first sentence was said while he was looking at Que

from hurting me? Why, after years of bullying and declaring me an enemy for the entire

three years. Now he was trying to play the role of the he

ick, twisted g

st friend hanging on her side. Savaş moved my way and only now did I noti

ad it tied at the back of his head in a low bu

e him standing right beside me until his hot breath

ean down and place a kiss below my ear before he went to sit down in one of the desk chairs. The other three hors

ered the room and leaned back, because I knew Tali

d at me. I honestly didn't know what to tell her,

and my hand automatically went to the spot h

it still surprised me when I met his scary, but still attractive, eyes. I looked away from h

people like him only love to mess around with other people. The moment they actually have to be respons

now. That was my thought as I redirected my

s play. But you better be r

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