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Blessing In Disguise

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1026    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

always start collecting his debts. Last time she had to drive his very pregnant Lucy to the doctor for her monthly check-up and she had to wait outside, sitting right beside a woman who


for going through all that. She was being

g when her brother answered her call, her voice not s

. Nyx could hear her mother yelling, cupboards slamming sh

thing she might have done to get him so angry so early in the morning. Maybe he found out she ate the last pudd

The famous m

e, Nyx's grandfather Walter, would be the host and invite all his children with their spouses and kids in

obs and families. Nyx didn't have anything against this. Even though she was pissed at her grandfather for kicking her out of his company, she really lov

these family gatherin


the cousins got together to have fun or simply hang out. As a result, the two of them weren’t as close to them as they were to each other. This also meant t

would either interrupt her, not letting her finish talking, or her mother would glare at her

everyone could see her being there but not having a

erings. After all, his dear granddaughter visited her on her own, with

th Walter so she could get her ass back to work! And because she wanted to make sure Nyx ate well during lunch so she wouldn't

rder a salad, she must be on crack. I may not come out of the date with a

so sorry, I se

ver th

s just that she made sure she would forget. But

phone. Nyx had to move the phone away from her ear to save it

tion the fact that you still

p and come h

here in an hour. But first, I n

ith her, but Nyx knew he was smirking, most l

s j

and all he can think abo

s guy works." Nyx bit her lip


his ear to check if he had accidentally hung up, but that wasn’t the case. When

eil’s whereabouts, but Nyx pretended to be have turned silly fo

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