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Blessing In Disguise

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1026    |    Released on: 21/09/2022

in her heart. "It

onal support j


forget a jar in a place y

ar, put on her hood to cover her hair and walked towards the building. Behind her, L

much of a hindrance. If everything went according to her perfectly crafted plan, she would be out of there in five minut

'S T


e was no time to wait for it. Not when at least four security guards were runnin

y s

security guards would come after her. The sight of those men running towards her

Nyx started to run

ar with how Nyx Letti’s personality was, shook thei

elled at one of the security guards a

ed her and kept

the security guards when that random person snitched on her, so


" Right then she felt the heavy footsteps behind her getting closer. "

surname was

hit in the head? He

to stop running and look around for Lucy’s car. She ra

d, I hav

ve worn a s

ly saw the black car and ran straight to it. As instructed, Lucy kept the engine running, so wh

er direction of where she had parked and then got inside a car that was


cting the four security guards who

it different from what she remembered it to be five minutes ago, and it reeked

ng he

she was in a horror movie where the psychopath was right behind the girl who for

t the fuck is going on?

hem a chance to disappear before she started screaming her lungs out, Nyx tried to steal a peak behind h

, was definitely trying

den locks and beautiful green eyes. The face in the mirror made Nyx’s head go blank as she could onl

d to her completely forgetting that she was driving, therefore losing control of the car.


hen the car swirled violently from one side to the other. He grabbed the wheel from the back seat, kind of lying ove

ly against her chest. The warmth radiating from him and the strong scent of

ed into a parallel universe

road and parked it, he stopped screaming a

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