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Fangs of Fury

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2078    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

containing death, the images of radiation poisoning comes to mind, gunshot victims, humans stabbed to death, m

Eve turns her muscular body away from the doorway that leads to the fresh outside air, and with purpose moves

color of his skin around his neck and face. She now remembers the keys and runs her large hands over the pockets of his lab coat��the flies rise in a cloud at the disturbance, she sw

then pulls back. A slight scuffling noise coming from the dim interior further into the laboratory attracts her attention and moving carefully she steps deeper i

nd it empty, the same with the second but then she recoils in horror�� the stiffened dead body of a silverback gorilla is in the third��the flies cover the corpse. Moving down the row of cages she finds various primates dead or close

e aroused��making a soft cooing noise she approaches the bars. Huddled in the far corner is a young monkey, it body shaking in terror. Her hands grip the

ards her��its tail held high. Eve moves away from the open cage, offering the animal the opening. Its head comes out first��l


lumn, lungs and then her heart jumps into her mouth. On a shelf close to the laboratory are nine large bottles�� each one contains what was once a baby��some of the deformed bodies are covered in hair, but as she m

s confronted by a photo that states Eve Four. The face that looks out from the picture is foreign to her as Eve has never seen her own reflection. She backs away from the grotesque arrangement, her heart hammering in her chest. As she st


o countless times she feels the bolt slide and the cupboard door swings open. Eve suddenly finds herself face to face to another being�� one that looks out at her from the inside of the door��she signs ��hello�� and the being responds at t

members a picture of a human called Snow White looking at herself and slowly she comes to realize that she is looking into somet

hoto��stares at it��looks back at the image in the mirror and all she sees is a face that is a bit simian, hairless apart from the dark hair on her head�� a nose that is flattish, dark brown eyes and large lips��all at once she unders

at she had contact with��the only hum

rld is not yet ready to meet you. They would kill y

nd working furiously to comprehend what has happened, her hands playing nervously with the bunch of keys. The keys jerk her back to reality��Romeo and Juliet��they must fee


, takes the last key and with joy it slips in and turns�� the lock falls open, the chain clatters to the ground and the gate swings open. Both

ide past her, and enter the tall grass, moving slowly the two big cat��s start their stalk�� the antelope unaware of the cats as the scent carried on the wind is one they do not know, one


oss the compound. Eve hears and once again, in imitation of Father, crosses to a small hut��the door is not locked��

His berserk screams of rage filling her with dread and she comes to a halt��fi

body against the bars decides her and quickly she opens the door to be greeted by loud howls from the creature behind the bars, his wicked ey

is thrust through asking for the offering. Eve approaches and holds out the struggling hares towards the Manrilla and as quick as a flash he tries to grab her arm, bu

he rage erupted it is gone and once again Hercules holds out his arm. Eve moves forward carefully, holding out the struggling hare which is snatched

f the hare... his eyes locked on her. With a shudder of revulsion, she leaves the building, closing

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