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The Alpha's Surrogate Mate

Chapter 6 Masked in the Coral Sea

Word Count: 1470    |    Released on: 13/07/2022

t you refuse to admit it. Say the word

ce of the former nights coming back to me. I shifted uncomfortably on the be

hore, facing the sky as I watched the stars sparkle in their glory. It was nighttime and I loved it,

support it and my legs were stretched to let my

not only that, it carried me without warning, plunged me into the water and stirred a violent wave that triggered a torrent of t

myself from this seeming damnation, but hell, I could not!

force drove me deep into the Sea despite the torrent. I released a

sness was the torrent coming to a stop and the fierce winds immediately ceasing its assaults. Yet, I sank

mouth open and found its way down my lungs as five sharp points pres

of a seemingly gorgeous-looking maiden as her hands left my neck.

they were shaded behind a leather black facemask, only leaving out her up

er wet hair, to realize that she was the woman whom Da

ere was a ‘say’ and a ‘word’ in the sentence. Whatever that was, it did not sound like pleasant news

ot-bun hair, to the way she flexed her hands at her will as she raised them to pat my hair. It was on

uld see my soul through them. However, despite the iciness in her eyes, they were still

e and see clearly in the water, and how she was able to do so too. Nonetheless, I thought she left me behi

ending chills down my spine. I thought only her voice enticed me, but then

know what you are, but you refuse to admit it. Say the word and save the shore from destruction,” She

nted, why she tormented me for years, why she killed my Fathe

berately doing this? I expected her to answer my questions since she did not want me to speak. At least

gain as it drove me to the surface of the sea, probably propelled to carry me back to the shore in the torrent, or somewhere worse. Her voice resounded in

ned my eyes to two pairs of eyes peering

heard an annoyed voice mutter as the pair of eyes disap

d eyes blinking at me; he neared the bed and crouche

ay? I blinked. Did I

e Damien leaned closer with a candlestick, which he drew close to my face. I

part of my neck where the witch’s fingers

rew the candle, “Seems to be another visit fro

nditions and literally freezing. Lucerne was the one supporting me with his hand across my back all these while; h

forehead. Meanwhile, my brothers just stared at me; well I needed time alone to think. Everything was s

mien huffed and placed the candle in its holder, muttering the word 'freak' as he hurriedly exited the ro

saw that I indeed did not want him here. I am just hoping he is not hurt as he slowly stood to

ound this off as an outcome of my fear for the Shore, or just another dream; but no matter how hard I try, it keeps coming

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