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The Alpha's Surrogate Mate

Chapter 3 Lone blazer

Word Count: 1423    |    Released on: 13/07/2022

d when I first heard it. As I read out the details of this fatal poison to my brothers, they could not sti

room out of nowhere last night, it still seems like he had a lot to tell but kept shut. He ga

o response when the Council of Chiefs ushered us out of Father’s chamber. It feels so odd to

the last part of a sentence as I look across at Damien who sits on the

s, lethal concoctions made by Firnes. Lone blazer is its name. I had come across it in so many books on several occasions, and I ch

mixture that when applied once will seem like a voyaging tortoise but

ter a long while of silence, and I honestly wish that he did not. I had that thought

nst the wall. Father’s death has the biggest blow on him, seeing that he is the eldest and heir to the Lordship. Despite the fact that he often a

g to dispute the Vampire’s statement if it was not so true. After all, there were prominent facts around the co

he two kingdoms, my mind keeps stressing that the witches are no longer sovereig

his position. It does seem like I have heard this stateme

worse attack,” I stress before Damien’s dark chuckle follows closely. His

know that,” he says in a collected manner, but it sounds so calm that I have to shift uncomfortably on the b

sometimes Damien speaks irrationally. How was I supposed to fight back when all I could remember when awake was a pie

nds on the latter’s thigh, a move to buy his favor. “Brothe

him. Then I would drag him out of the room and lock him away outside. He does not seem to care about our

roaty, much after gulp downs of nothing. “The Chiefs will declare me a

on warriors, and protect the Shore together

y the Alpha! Even if you can find a

e, “They went into hiding, not wiped out.

othing manner. “We never know which of the stories are true but the only ce

ather sit back and watch the bastards bring us to destruction then it’s up to you. Father never told us ho


e to close my eyes shortly. I approach the Vampire and place my hands on his shoulders, which is the mistake

ave plunged to the ground if Lucerne did not quickly spring from

e as his eyes burn more than a flame when they look between Lucerne and I, shooting daggers. He thrusts

lready sees the streak of blood that trailed down my nostrils. He reaches to wipe

tude than anyone else. He has been like this after all.” I sigh at the last sentence. “I think I need something to eat,

Truly, I do, but it is not because of Damien’s action, it still settles on Father’s passing. I cannot seem t

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