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Blood Moon over Africa

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1770    |    Released on: 31/08/2022


David and Adele will supplement the trust fund left to him by his parents. Supplying eggs and chickens to the local supermarket in the nearby town which is 30 km away. The


nature calls but as she tells herself, it��s far better than her first night wh


to feed water to the reservoir which in turn will supply the house, and to the outside irrigation


supplied to the house from the generator. When the generator is not in use, they wil


that. A small place called Kafue, 50 km from the hustle and bustle of Lusaka; it has two petrol stations, one motel in town, one just outsid


use it early in the morning and at night when it��s cooler and the flies aren��t so bad. She crosses the are


quer the negative feelings she has regarding the use of this primitive toilet. As Adele seats herself, her eyes ad


rica, a Black Mamba lies there. The only motion from the snake is its


ke her. She swallows her breathing coming in rapid gasps and she feels as if her heart is now in her mou


control and if she loses control she stands a very good chance


slows her breathing, her eyes never leaving the unwelcome visitor, and time moves on. She


not attract the snake��s attention which is a bit hard when you are sitting


sauna. Sweat runs into her eyes, and burns, her shirt sticks to her body, her nose itches,


feel faint. She��s slowly dehydrating and the snake has made no move to leave. Then in


reads 38 degrees in the shade. In a foggy distance, she hears Dav


too scared to attract the attention of the unw


he madam? Kom, kom, kom, Praat


the snake moves, its head coming up its body coiling, footsteps outside the door. ��Adele, are you


he��s in the kleinhuis, daar��s iets f


the sound of voices coming from outside. ��


ening to overcome her. ��The door... on top.�� With that, the heat in


on her cot in the shade of a tree with David and Piet by her side. David is wiping her brow with a wet cloth trying


ink it slowly, your body will re


d shudders at the memory. ��The sn


e you as a threat, he and two of the boys, Adam and Calvin armed themselves with sticks. Opened the door,


e you were. That blikskim was a bloody Black Mamba and not small either. This bugger measu


ons, teach her to use the 303 rifle as well as the 9 mil browning. Adele, you can car


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