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Let Me Be Your Home

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1125    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

being in one place, even just for a little while. I wrote in my notebook - it was a brown leather-cover journal th

off purloined credit cards or the scarce amount of cash I had s

kitchens. Theft was not beyond me. No

, at all but sometimes, you do what you can to get by. Many would objec

motioning for the bart

a luxury I

as I downed more liquor. The burning sensation

seen you in town. Somehow

e familiar, gruff vo


made Dean look much shorter than he actu

ordlessly motioned for his friend to leave

back around. I was not interested. I'd be out of this town soon

book and sippe

ad felt much needed. It was nice to

himself to sit on the barstool a few away from mine. I stayed sil


hat's all I can gather

shot him a pointed look, but grinned as he

ned to be staring at. So, everyone in this town seemed t

happened to own the whole town??Th

who was causing me this disturbance. Not much of a surprise, I saw the on



ce for the first time in a


ing at me from the corner of his eye. His eyes

?" My phone vibrated in my hand but I didn't look away

no intention of leaving me be. "You int

ng down at my ph


e you're at? Please,

le tugging at my lips

e s

our name." Dean spoke ag

stirred my st

ot very f

punch him square in the face right

this town much shorter. I needed t


ned my head back and downed the rest of my drink

My absolute lack of interest didn't seem to bot

ally is just boring and he

the barstool next to mine. I held

n eyebrow in almost a concerning way. I nodded m


?You won't make it ou


e before deciding to power it off.

aybe it'll make you more chatty?" Dean watched me with amusement in

shut up and leave people alo

as no point in making any acquaintances. I wasn't good at gettin

He said simply. "Will I be getting you name anyt

, "Back off, will you? Cle

phased that I snapped at him, he only seemed more amused.

uldn't comprehend what I was saying. I then turned, picked up my drink and gulped it down as fast as I

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