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Let Me Be Your Home

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2537    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

be heard. Oddly enough, I liked the quiet of it all. Taking a shortcut through an alley, I pulled my hood over my head

shcans, I noticed the silhouette of a figure. The street lig

walked over, stoppi

in the middle - very 90's Leonardo DiCaprio of him. His looks were deceiving. Phil was reckles

n and sorrow - sorrow that you would feel, not him. "Don't you know it's not

. "It warms me when y

it have been a forced laugh? "If only I had an ounc

n? He had never heard of such a thing. What a bizarre thought

cause Cole died does not mean I am required to finish his business. Whateve

mour in my words. "Really? Think again, s

second, I could almost see Phil's eyes soft

aving you hear to fi

ee two more familiar faces

ay to be

can't say I'm surprised. Phil can't go anywhere without his litt

eyes. He wasn't laughing anymore. "Watch

"You used to be the mo

ed to be into- baking? Song writing, was it?" H

lly, I was throwing acid in each their f

ain calm. Don't

giving us a faint look at each others faces. All their faces were twisted

ere so

ground sounded. We all turned towards the

just been

with Cole was actually quite a big deal. You don'

ling with rage that was dangerously proliferating. "I can g

hrough his eyes. He nodded curtly as he h

from the back pocket of my black jeans. "T

ds out of my hand. "All the more fun using them,

mall step

llenging as if he were daring me to leave. His lips twi

d split in half. I pulled a small plastic baggie out of my pocket, throwing at

the stolen cards or the weed. This was only m

to some extent at least. I wasn't easily scared but this was

. He looked back to me, quirking an eyebrow

gue to stop myself f

f his face. The brick wall only made me more tempted- ra


ng me up, they were trying to and it was working. To them, this was nothing but entertainment. They didn'


digging up ways to bri

the satisfaction of watching me shrink under his perverse gaze. "You're scared of us,

lared up at him. He was only inches away fr

oss my jawline. "We could have so much more fun with this, if only you were less up

od ran

wrist, twisting it backwards. "Keep your hands off

ed his hand back before his other hand wrapped around my throat. "You

ed sputtering coughs when his hands finally let go of my throat. My ha

m out of his nose. He shoved Henry off himself, taking a few

t eyes filled with upheaval. "Control yo

his eyes-for the briefest moment that I almost wouldn't have caught it. It wasn't because he actually cared. It wa

h for him to do

. We leaned on each other, we kept each other grounded. We had equal am

s cha

with Derrick, I grieved the loss of just about the only pe

e, I got

the end of the day, the only person I would have left was myself an

you bastard. Does it look like I give a shit? If

bringing a finger under my chin and raising m

outside. I was a time bomb, one whose timer just hit zer

g from the rage that I was no longer able to control.

d them

it meant that I would end up a co

s face once again. Oh, he thought this was amusing? I wonder how enter

was entertained. He laughed sickeningly. He shoved me right back, watching as I

to speak but Derek wa

towards Phil, his eyebrows ra

t and shook his head, aver

, nobody could speak against Derrick. Phil obviously didn't have the guts to. He

il's loyalty was to him. Whenever it was time for Derrick to deal with me, he would bring Phil al

tic and twisted in a

soulless monsters but nobody compared to Der

ckles. I was going to stand my ground. These mo

have to l

. You don't call the shot

ancing over his shoulder at Derrick. "We

to toe, his smirk dancing on his lips. "I thi

o the brick wall. He dug his forearm into my throat ca

y teeth gritting to the point I thought they were shredding off. I ducked my chin as far down at I

ng amusement quickly turning?very?sour. Henry pulled a gun from his back

the gun, the oxygen from my

re was no way in hell this was how I was goi

ng his head slowly. He stepped forwards but derrick stre

h anger. "You don't scare me," I snarl

t standing too far. If he were even a foot closer, I'd be able to. With the curren

"Frankly, your attitude and desire to pick fights is getting a little old." Derr

I had to choose which of their three faces would be the la

preferred his life over mine, hence why he didn't move a muscl

ew i

like you'll be seeing Cole sooner t

eyes, inha

st I was right. There was absolutely no reason for me to still be bre

ll the slide back. I held my breath. My p

d figh

I ca

zen in spot. If I moved, the trigger would be pulled

the gu

m on the

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