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Her Home

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1010    |    Released on: 01/09/2022

ignored it and rolled back over. As she started to

alina ask. She put an arm over her face. She

f up on her bed. She knew they wouldn't let her sleep so she would just bite

r everything that had happened with Vincent, Joni had allowed Rebecca to take Tobin as her date to the wedding. She told her she understood th

grumpy?" Joni

ave Rebecca a pitying look. Rebecca glared at her fri

ecided to open a free clinic for low-income families which was great, but she had also decided to throw herself into the dating scene at the same time.

urant without saying anything to her and she saw the big burly man that followed him out. It had been one of Vincent's men. She was sure that the man had said

new that the best idea was probably to give up trying to date at least until Vincent got bored being a weird

have the shop closed," Joni glared at Rosalina. "Saying she has something big to tel

"Okay, so my news is that," she paused and looked between her friends. Taking a breath, she continued

d with him for protection. Everyone knew that they liked each other, but no one knew how much until after Rebecca had gone home. It was obvious to Rebecca that her friend was happier than she had seen her in a long tim

ted instead of asking. Rosalina didn't have girlfriends besides the two of them and she only had one girl cousin that

Joni asks when they have

e. "We are having the engagement party in two weeks. We wanted to do it sooner but, Dom wants to wait for Teo and oth

in her ear. "You don't have to talk to him. I will be a buffer, okay?" she reassured her. Nodding Rebecca for

he next week. Rebecca and Joni said goodbye to Rosalina as she headed to go meet Domenico. They sat down and there was another knock on

hear the news yet?" He asked them with slight hesitation. They each nodded Joni w

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