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Her Home

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1065    |    Released on: 01/09/2022

riends when she noticed the

rong?" To

this means that I am going to see

he wasn't over Vincent yet. She loved him and she was still comparing him to every guy she went out with. Which is why she wasn'

e down and cried for the first two days and called Vincent every name she could think of until she finally got her to smile just a little bit. After that Rebecca had asked for him not to be brought up and started focusin

ch. We haven't done that in

et dressed," she paused and pointed at Rebecca, "Make sure she sho

sad face he was wearing knowing how she hated people pitying her. "H

suck it up." she felt like crying she really did. She wasn't stupid and she knew that it wo

t is

he was dying to know. She flopped herself on the couch and ran her hands thr

n he had ever been. He also has been with anyone else." Tobin sent her a big smile when her head snapped in his direction. "I wouldn't lie to you just to make you feel better. You know thi

nding up. She had to force herself not

e they pretended like they were hearing it for the first time. After they ate, Tobin had to

Joni told Rebecca about a dinner she had to attend with Isaac later in the week and she wanted help finding something

at her friend. She bit her lip and wondere

g to say, but she would allow her friend to say what she felt she needed to say. Jon

okay? What if he shows up with someone? You still love

ld her that she would be fine, but she was already not okay with it. "Look. I'm tired and I have a meeting early with some investor's tomorrow," she told Joni as she turned to her door and walked to it. She quickly unlocked it and flew inside. As soon as the door was shut, she slid down the door and broke down in tears. This time she w

where she pulled out a tub of ice cream, she planned to eat all of while curled up on the couch watching m

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