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Undisclosed Desires: Sephora and Shadow: Book 2 (A.G.E.M Series)

Undisclosed Desires: Sephora and Shadow: Book 2 (A.G.E.M Series)


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 2972    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

ng is now I am hunting them and I vow to kill them. Love is never an agenda. I have never known love or seen it until my twin brother Savion met his woman, Armarria.

were playing a card game before they noticed Shadow’s presences. “What the hell?” One of them yelled, grabbing his gun, pointing to S

ou are? Coming in here? Do you know who warehouse this is?” Shadow rose his cufflinks. “I am prett

t give a shit who you are. You don

ow is who is your new boss.” The flunkies looked confused at each other. Were they so stupid? Or did they honestly have no clue Raul was dead?

stly believe you kil

you I never killed him, but it is possible by ripping every sin

each other. “Who is your new boss?” Shadow asked again,

demand we tell you the name of our boss?” S

e a fucking cat and tell me who your boss is.” The smug look on Shadow’s face infu

im to move before the bullet left the clip. He grabbed the guy’s arm bending it upper ward, causing the attacker to drop the gun from his broken arm. ?The other

er trick. Furious Shadow snapped the neck of the attacker by him and threw him t

hug with a bat began to swing towards him. Shadow stepped back quickly, dodging the attacker. He swung again. Thi

adow took cover behind some crates to protect himself. He disappeared into his surroundings walking up behind the

all hips and a small waist. Every step she took began to become a solid woman with long wavy black hair that reached down her back to her butt. She had polished white creamy skin

to interfere? Those wer

kes you no better than them.” ??He could see her aqua eyes now. There w

from his last visit and pictures Armarria brought back. “Y

dow could hear. “The cops are coming.” He warned calmly. She turned

peared in their pupil. Confused by the unfamiliar feeling

t tou

to his stomach. He ground sled a little, catching himself in a crouch. She attacked again, with water like shots

und her throat, forcing her down on the ground. He mounted on top of h

ity to attack him with a kick to his back and slice to his chest cutting his shirt. Shado

wards her to attack, but she flopped on the ground as a puddle of water. He watched her move toward the e

hotel. “Did you find her?” Shadow scoffed. “Did I f

frowned as his brother laug

at woman. She turned t

G.E.M. We have to have her o

d. “I was nice enough. I will find

necessary. Take your shirt off and your

this cheery and funny Savion. It was rather annoying, but once Armarria was in the pic

g a man now. Shadow was proud of him and loved the teen for coming into his own. He trained ha

towards Shadow for the stealthy side of combat. Melody was the next oldest. A fierce introverted damaged sou

eparable. He had a soft spot for them all that he protected with everything within him. Which is why he needed the water elem

police station. The chief walked up to her with a sad look on his face.

months every day. You’re going to run your

sometimes. How about the lead from the thugs at that warehouse?” She replied, hoping

epared for

s out there somewhere alone and afraid. I promised to..” She stopped

and get some rest. As promised I will call if something comes

r only family she had. Then the guilt kicked in. She sat o

if I

rehouse just last night wearing basketball shorts and with no shirt stood beside her.

ow did you find me?” She st

t was not hard to find you.” Shadow responded simply, wi

nter. She admitted to herself she was intrigued to meet h

ow that you said that. I’m friends with the chief

chief of police hurt now would you? You a

t that you

sat beside her. “I came here for you. Elizabeth Martin is dead and the Cloak are c

s were lifted but I didn’t think she

n. “She is, but my brother is hel

ruit us we need all the elements on our side. Come back

nic. “My sister is out here somewhere and I have to

t pl

trides. “Tell her I’m sorry. I can’t leave just yet.” She st

in. “I am trying to protect you.” She jerked away wanting to transform her body into water and

ll me yo

not wanting t

held his hand ou

all me

spark between them enlightened again. The lightning bolt

as that?” She st

w grabbed his for

became worried.

” He held his head again trying to block out the noises. She

. They walked together quiet until they reached a quiet

something?” Sephora asked, half jo

ke this.” She could tell. He looked so out of pla

squatted beside her. His weight being supported by his calf muscles. She looked at him a

est eyes she had ever seen with the most serious face attached. Her typ

tted, bringing her

ck there? It happened at th

and Armarria connected. A spark between them. He could not

ickly added. “Not saying we are supposed to be tog


view presented in front of

r when we were little. We were almost like sisters.” She held her head down, thinking o

through gritted teeth. “She is missing t

think yourself tough, but there are G.E.M out there tougher than you. Yo

him, anger. “I never

need it. I will show you were I am

scoffed. “No thank you. You are fine, but not fine

ou Sephora.” He waited for her to accept his hand. If se

prefer I sta

otection. I have been on my own for this long now without you

re you can find your own way there.” He started walking off, le


d slightly tu

“I will be attending an underground cage fight tonight

ay. “I will meet you in your hotel.” Shadow shook his head confused at

ed out to her, watching her

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