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Undisclosed Desires: Sephora and Shadow: Book 2 (A.G.E.M Series)

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1637    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

r from the city and hidden in plain sight. There were red carpets and many people despite the se

ce like movie stars. “This is not what I pictured.” She a

k.” The doorman greeted.

It came across way to intimate for her. The closeness of their bodies touched together causing the invisible s

the symbols lit and began to subtle glow. “Miss Foxy will have to be branded as

” She wanted to object, but Shadow spoke firmly t

ithout it whether

brand Sephora’s hand. He pulled her closer as she hande

r firmly close to him, as she laid her head underneath his shoulder. She was bracing herse

y on the dip of her back, representing possessiveness. The doorman, Mr. Black waved his fingers as if drawing the symbols in the air. The fire began to pierce her

and they would just turn bac

bad?” She groaned t

lowed inside only skills. Everything wit

ppressing under the brand which can be difficult if you have so much po

ain. Shadow offered his hand for her

r. Black smiled as the door to

nd walking inside. Sephora look

to prevent people from cheating or something

esponded simply

She asked, gla

have to since you are onl

egan to walk off until Shadow stay still

im. She fell in his arms as t

ghting.” He command

could do whatever I want.” She jerk

on you. Do not under estimate me.” He walked off, leaving her stunned, confused, and angry all at once. She

surface. They were on the middle level very close to seeing the stage. The place wasn’t as big as she thought from the outside, but bigger than sh

turned to see Shadow behind her. S

roperty. You don’t own me. If I wan

er by her rebellion. She turned away from him

” Sephora ignored him, seeing the stair

eplied walking aw

hout his powers he felt super on edge. His hearing was of

. F

e man with a hand clap t

d to see your

to you. It was one hell of a fight

I was not aware I will have that

again Mr. Fox. I assure you there

to the arena still. “Same ole rule yes. I beat you I g

but that little deed has been handled. I will, however, take your girlfrien

She is not part

ully. “If you win you have nothing

at her. Which angered him. He had never known to himself to be a jealous man, but the old saying goes “you neve

n in a black tuxedo. “Now Missy what is a fi

ant to enter into the figh

no women in

t you to afraid a woman might

ling you don’t want to m

he man looked up at Shado

I look forward to your

cing at Shadow’s face, s

in Miss Foxy thirst for a fight b

ink you can win this by trying to humil

ou want to get hurt I will spank you.” He whispered in ear seductively, pulling off his suit jacket. As ma

ncer their up first.” Mr. Jac

nter the arena as the annou

e months ago and he became a c

im. He had to win because he wouldn’t be able to stand by and watch him take Sephora in anyway. Mr. Wolf’s face held a grin as he found their little lo

s Foxy and Mr. Fox having trouble in para

her, she stayed focused on Shadow. Her target. She was grateful for the split in

l take it easy on y

k that!” She repl


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