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Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1517    |    Released on: 31/08/2022

next time?" Mia asked hesitantly, she didn't want her father to be stressed

't understand do yo

t I can take you to our home!" He said making her blushed b

nsisted, she wasn't going to let her father faint as she did, she wanted for his father to act as a beta

sharp, you better be ready." He said an

you B

ep and I expect you to wake up at 9 am." He said ster

d her closer, then ran his thumb down her cheek affectionately. He pulled away from her reluctantly, he

He said huskily

alright." She sa

out of the car, she walked and glanced back to see Blaz

if he was still here, but he left. Suddenly she felt lonely in this house, sh

eautiful woman." Her father said beh

ow it a

your mate, I'm so lucky that you're going to be a Luna of the strongest pack in Ame

is coming at 9 am, I will invite Alpha Nat

amas underneath her jumper, she just took off her

about the way Blaze kissed or tou


me sleeping beaut

dnight." S


r brother comes in her room a

her brother with one eye open and the other closed, sh

ng?!" He yelled m

e that or are you are bli

mate i

king care."

to push her away from her bed leaving her to fall down o

She grumbled again, she was a heavy

e, your mat

?" She said

all her memories from yesterday, the party, her

kissed her tw

her eyes and stood up quick

moisturizer on her face and put also her strawberry lip balm on her chapped lips. She rushed to her closet and put on some jeans and a crop top, she locked her door room and ran

She stuttered and her f

to come to sit with him. She sat down with him and locked her eyes to her mate who looked at he

said happily with her mate wrap

as a sign of respect, but sh

us anymore, you're the lun

hat she's the future

she will be a good Luna for the Blood Stone pack." Nathan announc

make her your Luna." Nathan said and cut all bondings with Mia, she felt lon

, Mia." He said

" She stood up to go to her r

gs and your brother can help the

and turned to her

Blaze huffed but let her mate hug her father and b

hem and ready to bow but Desti

of the strongest pack in America, don't bow at me inst

ike a big brother to her. But Blaze grabbed

d get out of the house with his mate,

he car and s

at in front of my family an

n me?" He ignored her question

in her eyes, he was jealous of her

tell me immediately!" He growled a

at he's not alive." She explained calmly, she can't bel

furniture, baby." She said rubbing

yes in content, he was relieved that

mate." She s

" He said in his rough v

you, I want you to meet my parents and my

ready to meet the parents who raised this man, if his so

ing jealous of a furn

ays finds more tha

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