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Author: Tasnim

Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 937    |    Released on: 31/08/2022



t and, she lives with her father and her older brother

she went

new friends who are f

e also meets the alph


largest and the strongest pack in America, no packs could fight them o

as soon as he took a glimpse of her face, he swore to himsel

king to him." S

that you were flirting

he shouted at him, his eyes turned into a dar

omething that's not yours. Territorial is protecting what's already your

ll fucking kill them if the

ssive. That should be the first warning that i


g around my territory, understand?!" The alpha

out of the room leaving th

as he inhaled the nicotine and take the smoke in his lungs,

s on the other side the kindest woman, she loves her kids and her mate, she would do anything for them. The luna was hesitant about his son being the alpha

his pocket, he picked

e home?" The sweet voice

girls fall in love with him with one glance of his deep piercing green eyes,

on should come home, she's been worried that her son wasn't feeling we

Blaze said and smiled thanks to his mother, his mother and h

hone, Blaze let his phone on the table and watched his pack warr

as time for Blaze to handle it. He did make a reputation for his pack which wa

rough the alphas packs. When he wants something he gets it with hard work, not like those snobby rich people, his family is also rich but he hates bragging a

his sibling what was the reason of having a mate and why should we keep them, hearing the

s at the age of 15 due to their special abilities. But unfortunately for Blaze, he did not find his mate, but he's willing to hope a little longer. He didn't ch

mate he swore to himself he will never let her go or give h

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