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A blemish in white

Chapter 2 Frostbitten Descry

Word Count: 325    |    Released on: 25/08/2022


ayward child. And a deep-ro

d be shattered if ever I touched them. I was warned to keep my distance. But curiosity got the bette

. We played all day, and it was all fun and games.

that I was different. And h

y. They feared things that were foreign to them. They detested them, and finall

ng that my sister was o

n, someone who would bring misfortune to their

ed her. And in the blink of an eye, my whole world crumbled to the sn

very long

ained invisible to the human eyes, like I was suppose

r my head. And I look at the world that goes by me, silently. Frowning


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