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A blemish in white

Chapter 5 Draped Glaze

Word Count: 2104    |    Released on: 25/08/2022

I couldn��t

hat I��d be as lucky as to stumble upon a winter sprite and to actually receive a real-life snow-m

take the little frantic snowman hugged tightly to her chest, home. And a sudden strong rush of giddiness attacked me, shaking my entire frame in the process. And I erupted into an abrupt strange roar. The evening air tremored with my quivering voice, and for the first time in my


oncluded my outburst to be an insult and consequently glar

er as I breathed out, ��Owww! My����My st

our ass out for��.le�� me guess, ten minutes maybe, though I don��t

ly is kind of obvious and when I said that I didn��t mean to give it to you, you looked rather crossed. Your fac

ll, Hah! Since you can so easily poke

pretty if you��re worried about your looks, that is. It��s just that, your angry expression was very hilarious at that moment, n

suddenly she burst out laughing out of the blue. I��m telling you,

or about a minute or two, then asked

s blabbering in nervousness? That is what I call funn

d while shaking her head from side to side and said, �

maybe give or take a year o

ave been living among them for centuries, but I was never involved with them, ever. Not after I turned of age. We are c

� She asked

easier that way to carry

nd I nodded in response. ��Yes! We were born t

s pale as you?�� She asked, q

le to you?�� I raised my b

as the s

are other sprites, of summer, of spring and fall. But there isn��t another winter s

ooked almost a

w is born to continue his legacy. This is a cycle of nature, that is why we are so exotic, so precious. To kill a winter sprite is a great sin, because millions of lives are affilia

a moment, ��Suppose an acc

nts.�� I said, ��But still, if some accident does befall u

t, which I seemed to be. ��Erm��..so��.you��re very important to the man upst

e type to be important to nature than to God. However,

.�� She cooed in excitement. ��I can��t believe tha

u be terrified that you��re talking to something inhuman?�� And she frow

turn, still wondering what was the difference bet

what, I hate your habit of answering a questio

rves?�� I asked, worried and her scowling

rally. It��s simply a term used nowadays to mean I��m angr

l in your age. How does ��gets on my nerves�� relate t

irony of the present age. ��And for the record, I was not named after an imbecile, if that is what you mean. My name, Rhiam originat

al one.�� She snickered, and I did what she

ays with things way too quickly.�� S

y clearly rubbing off on me.�� I sh

continue hanging around me for the entire time. She was a human, and she had a family. I unders

r you happen to encounter one. The ve

be here. Alone. Homeless.�� She

e about in the slightest. A swirl of foreign emotion attacked me, and I could hardly hold back th

ere there is snow is where I reside. But thank you so much for worrying about me. You must go home now. Take the little snowman with you as a t

a girl wear. ��Thank you,�� she said. ��I will treasure it. And I will help you fin

s her home with the snowman in hand, leaving trail

. Could she really help me find my glamour back? If yes, could I really trus



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