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Mafia Girl's Sweet Trap


Word Count: 1132    |    Released on: 17/07/2022


of confidence. Wearing a tight black tank dress, Greta's beautiful curves managed to steal the

ce versa. They also don't really know Gre's name. They are

so has high prestige. She knows what her current job is. A job tha

alk about everything. From the absurd, to the serious stuff like work. They have worked

ope to Vinson while landing his

ed widely. Rows of teeth visible. “Good jo

elope. He read the transfer sheet for the account

Did not expect the behavior of officials who are known in all lines of

looks fine, might harbor rot." Vinson' mouth reflexiv

tion does not use the heart." He added.

He asked. Regular questions from Vinson every time Gr

ont of her. After that, she shook her head. "As usual. I'm

ved. At least with Greta saying she was a virgin, that meant no sex was going on. G

the salary issue from her boss, Greta entrusted it to Vinson. Because she believed that Vinson never let her down. Never not to help

ary this time, I can't take it. Shadow has notified me that you hav

ed. Immediate

mmediately took it. And for a moment re

is concern. He does his job well as Gre's personal assistant. He always check the backgroun

the man to explain in detail. Because, Greta doesn't see any flaws in th

ered politics last year, and is running for president for next year's term. His digital social

ould I disturb his life." Gre said. She reiterated the principle. That the targets are only officials who have faults with the state and the people. Which i

. But this is Shadow's orders. The opposition party ask

girl's ear to be exact. She deliberately

Rajistan project money. But no one dares to mention it. Reportedly, he

by Gre. "Is that all? Just a guess

y. Responding to Gre's g

Gre. She needed a definite answer righ

re in doubt? I suggest, if you're in doubt, tell S

nson. Because so far Gre has never doubted the mistakes of his potential targets

r previous targets. I think you will still insist on taking it." Vinson sa

glass of red wine he ordered. "Honestly, Gre. I don't agree with you taking this miss

date who is liked by all the people. The slightest fault on his part didn't show up at all. He is th

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