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Tales of the High School Spy

Chapter 3 Invitation

Word Count: 1452    |    Released on: 19/07/2022

s it should be and as you'd expect only the normal people eat at the Cafeteria. By normal, I mean the average people.

e is gay.Like gay gay." He

now this ho

nd I confirmed it" he sa

people do you tal

iends , Will,and

the janito

to prove it to you,I'm going to sit on that table."He pointed with his alrea

one of the boys on the table sneezed and let out a b

ands I have other real friends that

But it was ours.The one of the few places we felt comfortable on.Just

ompanied on both sides by her minions,Meridith and Meg.Some they amazed, others they irritated. Bu

nd making her way to the top of the table,caring not if her pan

er around her. It was psychological.She didn't have to tell them to do that little bit.Both her friends we

st hand anddddddd....I'll be having a party at my house this evening,so,for the first ti

e inconsequential lives.I want to all there." She said

few who gathered and the rest who sat but listened as she made her way down the Table.

n a weekend and invite strictly. That was what made most of who ca

site him. As she assumed her position beside her former lover, her pair took the space both beside G

ate without asking as she took a banan

on lovebirds?" she asked

he reached for Glen

et out a forced smil

you both at mines,this evening"She interrupt

ing are the special

y li

the lip she interrupted the only guy on th

as she returned the half eaten banana b

and stood up in style.Pretending what she just saw didn't hurt her, whereas,

e playing with his spoon through the macaroni and cheese he had on his

again!"He added pointing the screen of his


t her" He took the phone from my face staring

at you can't have huh?

down in the hall and everybody returned to classes for t

man's class or as he likes the call it -

ing to survive. I

with you and for what its worth I'm sorry!"I heard Glenn yelling while on a call.She was somewh

ed personal and didn't

e day to yourself is second to none. And with it, you can live your life however you want with the except

that party"Todd said as he pushed

ate!" He added as he made

e school front door that led to the hallway.Looking ahead me I saw Victor w

omeone for tha

e who does the jumping

and on my shoulder. Like he was saying something true a

dispensing students to her Roofless Red Mustang with her batch of friends. All making giggles and r

anely. She zoomed through the clusters of students on the premises. V

nt to do when you ge

have a lot of Star Tr

tment round his face he looked at me


party thrower is throwing a big one.And f

ose you are foll

s looking forward to having a decent social life.Te

t is not?"I asked with a

ack with my shades on looking all stabby"H

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