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Tales of the High School Spy

Chapter 4 My world

Word Count: 1131    |    Released on: 19/07/2022

on the street we walked on to another.He was happy.He had always been happy.Coming from a broken home where his

ing these trying times when she was aggressive or repulsive, carin

r today?" I asked slighting him .He jumped from a

y"he said taking the other part of the junction that led to his home .It w

" I said almost on top both hands curved around my mouth tryi

hand pulling his bike with him and another showing me the peace si

lked away.Stepping into the street that led to my own home.It was quiet and scant

t made them all grumpy and easily irritated by the slightest of stimuli.The few who had the supplies were short

m my favourite album of Bruno Mars. 24k Magic .I didn't know the lyrics that well so humming it did quite well for me.Being down to earth didn

that served as a fruit kiosk while greeted a very healthy old woman,somewhere in her early 70's.She was ver

sked brushing her hands through my h

d have preferred to skip"I let out

day. You'll have nothing to ponder on,or wonder about when you are my age"She said in a c

in my hand as a show of appreciation looking at her,walking bac

storey building.And my apartment was somewhere there on the last floor.Hopping on the 3-b

He said you shouldn't do anything that'll make the fire

th the right amount of force it needed.It was not one of the heavy d

ked her letting my back of t

ould be heard between the thin walls.Moaning that I could not explain, sounded like pain and pleasure too.The choking funk of blunts and cigarette that stuffed the

ys somewhere in my bag. Bringing them out and opening the door,letting myself in.I got a warm we

vily.I let out the half eaten apple I had taken down stairs earlier and he ran after it.He had been waiting for me.I was

ng my feet. I flinged them towards the place they usually

This was the one place I had control over.The things I ate,the time I slept,th

to throw him something else to eat or at least throwing him a disk to catch.He collapsed

wn his head,he layed low.Knowing it was too late to watch any series of movie,turning my head side ways to

ve to battle with daytime insomnia.Being tired made the sleep come easily and na

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