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Dilemma of a teenage girl


Word Count: 1676    |    Released on: 23/07/2022


or Erudi


wegian boyfriend who broke her hymen. She's vowed never to love again, or probably toy with guys feelings j

ds. He isn't interested in Marvel's body alone; he truly

* * * *

all good looking guy. A Norwegian, unlike the American guys in her school and this gives him an edge ove

arty and have fun later in the evening. The day

cessary" she objects b

arty. Stop being an introvert

rvel deem it fit to atten

parked, like every other cars. There were people everywhere either dance or making out. The music coming from the party hall is so loud and it seems to shake the

's just a loud party." Chelsea remi

her is dying to go home but she resist herself to cower out of this.

n the most expensive part of Texas towards the cliffs. The houses here are all worth a lots of money, and this one is no except

ready." Sh

stuck with her trusty ankle boots and dungaree dress. The music seems to grow louder with every step she takes, alongside the thrumming of her heart in her ears. They bo

she spins on her heel to see Olav making his way towards them. He wears a black jeans and a low side cut tank top.

's a cute guy and the talk

believe Olav would know her name talk more of

anages to say. "You d

?" Chelsea asks. "Or yo

Olav says, although he makes no

e's never been a big fan of alcohol - but is just foul. She doesn't understand why anyone would want to drink beer. Seein

iquid, squinting her eyes shut at the taste. As expected, it's vile but she swigs down some more of the can anyway and push it back into a surprised Ol

ile." Marve

it anyway." He glances at Chelsea and offers h

r tonight. If I should dr

he designated drunk tonight? This

ke no tomorrow at any point during thi

ws some more back without question. The only alcohol she really likes is the taste of Strawberry Cider. Beer, wine, vodk

ng you two?" Chelsea

was feeling like a third par

to Marvel and walks away. Marvel's feeling a little bit uncomfortable. She don't want Chelsea to leave her with Ol

e about something first." Olav pouts s

ps and brings his other hand forward into Marvel's view. She

hich he brings to his lips, puffing out a sweet and

liff, Olav?"

efensive edge to his eyes, she's treading on dangerous ground. Marvel gets nervous around people taking drugs, but she barely know him; he


ows that she haven't got a say. It's his decision. He's Seventeen years old; quite old enough to make favourable decision for himself. He stares at Ma


t before he walks away, into the party. He drops the hardly smoke joint on the fl

crowd, she sees his face, and laughs when she recognizes the person as Scott. He's Olav's closest friend and seems he'll be having a killer hangover tomorrow morning. Next to him, a boy called A

to dissolve her stress the more she consumes. She's glad she c

igh time they move. She moves before h

re going hom

nd her back, and she's lifted from

." Olav mutters beside her as h

ot to the car and Chelsea had a bit difficulty sitting Marvel in the car. She

away off his sight. He h

by all means." He turns round and hits his head aga

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