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Dilemma of a teenage girl


Word Count: 1049    |    Released on: 25/07/2022


thor E


e yawning. The alcohol she drank yesternight's one of the factors that made her woke up late this morning

s slowly. She's having a slight headache and it dawned on her she's been drunk since yesternight. However, she regains her senses and consciousness this

nt. She realizes she's hurt her badly by being so drunk yesternig


o to party because her dad's out of town. She was disappointed when she saw her

ll become excessively drunk. I need you to stay safe when you're out or your dad

d she didn't take the alcohol from Olav y

nces to this." Mom warns. "I allowed you alcoho

and" Marve

ou need to start acting like one." Mom says

ed for school. Remember to stay hydrated." Mom adds and exi

e calls and she turns only

ies to recall and he

re Marvel's eyes. He seems more handsome than the Olav she and Chelsea saw y

vel replies and

ove to get rid of. Common Greene, you should have seen yourself." Olav comments laughi

a frown on her forehead. Olav sense that Marv

meant. I guess yesternight was pro

utters and seems to be in

looking at her expecting 'yes' for an a

he laboratory. I need to hurry. We'll see some othe

er School wear. He'll be glad to have her as a girlfriend. She also possess radiating Pulchritude. He

cal." He hurries out of the deserted cla

he hangs her headphone listening to music w

ing on a motorcycle with a he

eath trap' on which Ola

u?" He retorts patting the seat

and get on the bi

av Reuben doubtfully. Her mind screams in protest but the only alternative is to walk ho

t the Motorcycl

m Sc

and he passes her a helmet. She can

t on. She rounds her arms on his waist and squee

behind her and with one final roar, the ac

they came to a halt. Marvel drops from the

I sincerely appreciate."

scends from the bike and parks it wel

nd. The beach precisely. Do you mind going out with me

ince Olav will be willing to also have Chelsea around. Since he's wil

ly and dashes into her home. Olav couldn't help but admire till she's out of si

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