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Dilemma of a teenage girl

Dilemma of a teenage girl



Word Count: 1613    |    Released on: 21/07/2022


or Erudi


ands up and walks away from the playing boys and headed towards a block behind the school building. The tears couldn't just cease. His heart is broken. The memories behind his tears flashed


* *

s his eyes sleepily and closes it again to resume his sleep. Marie sighs and taps him again "J

Mum. I'm

oom. Some minutes later, he comes out and uses a towel to mop his body. He changed into his school wear, and dresses himself well. He looked into the mirror to be sure he wa

or Jake. She has just finished eating. Most times, she awaits Jake bef

takes his seat before devouring

care of yourself" Marie says and planted a kiss

other. She decided to raise her child all by herself

always there for him. Gone are those days he cried seeking to see his

rie Pregnant. Marie was hurt and wanted to commit suicide. It later occurred to her that suicide isn't the best option. She had given her heart to Maxwell but he shattered it, she decided to m

but he hates him. He hates him for hurting Marie. He vow nev

or this and most girls go gaga after seeing his packs. They always steal glanc

e boards a cab and alights in front of his school before paying the cab. He had to take a cab that morning in order not to be late for school. Normally, he enjoys walking on foot to school, after all t

ams "Can't you look at w

auty. He stared at her for some

bump into you. I never saw

es calmly and was about to

nd faces Jake. He beamed at

just relocated here and had to put me in this scho

ad no sexual experience though but wouldn't mind to create one with Marvel. He couldn't deny the fact that he's also developing a feeling for her. Love and Lust at first sight is inde

roblem?" Marvel's voice

d entered the classroom. Marvel looks at him

school has ever captivated him in this way. He divided attention in the classroom and became uneasy

ks to reality as Eric calls on him. Jake

bro. Wanna share y

und and discovers Mar

d he's a Casanova. He flirts with almost all the girls in school and has sexual and romantic memories

, sexy girl that

about her?

ant to get Intimate with her. I want her to b

rl. Remember you just met her today." Jake d

Once School closes, endeavour to walk up to her and make friends with her first. You

ve. Well, he couldn't say if he was in love or lust. He just believes h

Allesia. We're going for a picnic. Do you mind joining?". Eric asked and J

creams suprised at

g to through the headphone she's wearing. She feels a hand tap her sh

s! How'

ke asked expecting a positive answe

ether. Also walking towards

urse I don't mind. I now

nd he felt on Top of the world wal

ay" Jake apologizes. It's the best way he b

id and Jake decides to ke

u find ou

ed with everything and everyone. Besides, i

u. You're a lover of music? I can see you

alker and Natalie Taylor. They're

ke said "I love

rvel looks at Jake and pointed towards a

ntly for Marvel to agree to his request. Marvel thought for a while before consenting.

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