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Crimson and Clover

Crimson and Clover


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1121    |    Released on: 21/07/2022



t of goodies to her grandmother. There was a young lady, a witch, the witc

d not want to marry the man her family picked for her. I was her guard,

tely not to look for the witch and her lover. Greta was a stubborn and spoiled child, no one could tell

ds and pearls. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye and pouted. She was a stunning creature but she

ntinued to hum and peer into the dense trees looking for the cottage. I sighed and rolled my e

." She stopped midstride and turned on me. The monster that she truly was flashing behind her violet eyes. Then just a

s me." I stopped and listened to the forest. Everything was quiet and I knew there

vil war if she refused the hand of her betrothed. She wanted an old man though; her betrothed was a prince of

Greta, Princess Serena was in love with the prince and worshipped the ground that h

." She tsked at my sarcastic dry tone. I really could care less who she fell in

the forest. She could be eaten by a wolf and I wouldn't care but it would also mean that my head was on the chop

in frustration again as we seemed to walk past the same moss-covered tree that had re

her brow, her golden hair hung limply down her back and her pale face was blotchy

" She was slightly out of breath and pushed tendrils of flaxen hair off he

y eyes shooting daggers at me. She stomped her foot and held her breath, she was going to t

that seemed to float here and there in between the trees. Greta squealed and ran towards the lanterns. Sighing I

uld have been. Muttering under my breath, I limped after the princess while she stood at the front door. The house looked l

ighed inwardly again. I was getting whiplash from her mood swings. The door opened and a woman in a

more beautiful than her. I was expecting a crone and instead, we found beauty, she

nd tried to make herself not look as sweaty and dumpy. I chewed my lip this was going to be interesting and I was going to have to wat

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