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The billionaire is a Vigilante

Chapter 5 The unexpected visitor

Word Count: 2789    |    Released on: 21/07/2022

February 2046; us ar

re squad was dead. He was the only one in the room viewing the drone feed. He remembered

illed by some Isaiah Thorne just to get to Garfi

headed into one of the Jeep

Jones, he’ll be here in a bit. I have to

s s

d the jeep and began his drive to the air force bas

th February 2046; Blue

nished preparing to go to the precinct, who w

Go get t

eter was out back. She holstered her gun

in a sec

in through

you were going

out back, M

forehead as she opened the d

t you weren’t to be back from Iraq till Fr

through the front door, he did

n. Greenwood t

straight kick up Gen. Greenwood’s groins was her f

ashed out with a punch right across his face, stunned Gen

d with tears. He was oblivious of what was ha

something you need to see. Garfield was murd

first time was interested in the conversa

l information on this. I think someone had planned all this to as

We’ve never had any issues with an

” Peter rushed Gen. Greenwood like he ha

r lash outs despite knowing his rank in the army. He was clos

outside we

y 15th February 20

he drone feed. Peter was confused, some Isaiah Thorne k

that he’s also a member of the Round-Table.”Peter sounded exhaus

ed you have a grandfather. Garfield had never menti

she had sat on a burning chair.“Gener

ctly do y

d you do destroy every shred of evidence that this

w what you’re aski

is beyond some military operation. If anyone traces this

d and rubbed his han

is?”Deborah sat down on the

assigned to this

ween us three, no one can know ‘bout a

rd please or become so worried over an issue. He booted his laptop and sent a copy of t

e this will end between us, however I stil

al, it’s better

ignalled Peter as they

th February 2046; ston

ere’s a

a file to the man sea

the pr

ead; he was ki

a quick swing as Mr. Garfield Stone Snr. Whipped ar

ed? I don’t

e in Baghdad, and used it as a fron

What do

the Round-Table’s secret weapons trade location in Baghd

pointed to a man in the

elieve he ord


he is; it was a

and headed for t

s s

andson, bri

et on to it as s

15th February 204

e day at the garage. His father was dead, killed by some Isaiah Thorne and after so many years, he final

affect Peter’s mood or bother him whatsoever. After so many

ld, I’

would not never find out about his

ho is g

up to Peter and

ther a long time ago, but your father promised


s mafia in the world, The Round Table. Garfield left home the day he found

s way of communicating with him do

ther to avoid him and anything that could connect him with your grandfather’s illegal activities. Your dad hasn’t tal

ears kept flowing through their eyes. He had been the

r, Saturday 18th august

hough many had attended the service, his colleagues at work, the army an

get back on their feet, unfortunately they needed a lot more time as t

I’ll go fix you

from the Blueville Cemetery where th

by of dropping a flower at


bell rang. Who was that? They were

, who

e moved close to

rs To

w any Rogers Townsend and were sure Garfield didn’t either. They both reached for

ds in the air as h

Rogers Townsend, d


enraged.“Send a message back to

ers had his foot in the way and opened

him and pinned

erve yo

isten to me, i

ant than him coming to hi

rd of Isaiah

heard Isaiah’s name. Deborah

t tal

father had a history

ide him being the head of the most

see Garfield again because Garfield had sworn never to stand in the

n’t enough for the old

t took hi

gift he could give him after 25 years is to take away his father, the only t

to sit on the couch, he then lef

Rogers, and

h refused to go clean. He refused and tried convincing other members that going clean was a bad idea but your grandfather had won the table already. I don’t kno

Peter; the card had Ston

ther cannot avenge your father but you

it with his hands and headed for the fro

decides to use his gran

broken into

lm okay. I’ll just checkout

ctually goin

ce for dad, and if this is the only

afe P

er left to pack his bags. The address on

like one ri

y 19th august 2

ate, an automated loud b

ueville County P

ollowed by the gates opening. He drove into the manor until he got to t

eauty. Striking an incredible value of $230 million dollars, it was a fortress of beauty with at least 50 bedrooms, 75 bathrooms, a large ball room, a 500-seat

e Maste

eter’s Ford Mustang. Peter headed towards the

y Master

ho he was but he had not the s

hotel. He kept following her as they climbed up a large spiral staircase at the e

way and passed at the end in fro

fice setting but definitely had to be some sort of study or mini-libra

ks on the desk to the oddly glowing lights on the desk, he knew for sure that it was an e-desk. Special desk equipped with n

been spying on him. There were several files on him, mom and da

t I wouldn’t recognize him. However, he

t of the room startled Peter. He turn

y grandpa Gar, I didn

dn’t believe his eyes; it was his grandfather. Not only that, it ap

briefly as Rogers

a seat

ter. He could see the shock on his grandson’s face. He didn’t expect

you have

es, I

have absolutely noth

ad told that

d act like nothing happened or pretend

as caused a lot of problems

use if you did, you won’t be seating

a lot. Especially when I kno

derstand what h

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