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Word Count: 2217    |    Released on: 23/07/2022

tia gave me to put on. I nodded my head when I've calmed down, " yes I'm fine I...... I had a bad dream" I managed to talk with harsh breath. " I... I saw myself back at the slaves prison. I

e asked me and before I could reply him that the plan was good he said " it's ok if you don't like the plan , we could come up with another plan". " What??? No " Magnus said immediately. " No the plan is ok, let's go in" I said quickly as Magnus chained my hands as we went inside through the gates. I had my head down not wanting to be recognized quickly. I heard master Derek talking to a guard. " Good morning I am Ferdinand Jones and this is my wife Sandra Jones" Derek said with a fake smile and Magnus waved and smiled like the wife he was. "Good morning sir Ferdinand, I'm Nolan. who is this ?" The guard was asking of me now. " Oh , we caught this slave trying to escape so we brought her back here. Could you take us to the head master's office so we could meet him". Magnus said. The guard couldn't see my face as he was trying so hard " ohh right yeah follow me" he said and we followed him behind. ****************** We finally got to the office of the head master, " wait here let me inform the head master of your presence" the guard said to us and we waited. Leonard was inside his office writing something on a book with a serious expression on his face when the door opened and the guard entered. Leonard wanted to lash out at the guard who was already sweating but he stopped when he saw a man and woman with a familiar girl. "What is it Nolan , and who are this people? " Leonard asked the guard. " Sir , they claimed to have captured a runaway slave and are here to see you" Nolan the guard said with beads of sweat on his forehead. Leonard knew he was right when he saw the girl he knew she looks familiar. "Let them in" he said to Nolan. Nolan came out of the office " you can go in now" he said to us and left. We got in the office as Magnus closed the door , I still had my head down as I was scared to look at Leonard in the face . I could still remember how his face looked like in my dream, his pitch black eyes and evil smirk on his lips. It was scary. "Have your seats" he said to Master Derek and Magnus only if knew that's not thier real form, they were not husband and wife. They were giants shapeshifters. Derek and Magnus sat on the chair and I stood stood behind with my head hunged low. " So I heard you captured this slave trying to escape " Leonard said. Derek didn't like the way Leonard addressed Aria as a slave but he still played along with the fake smile still intact on his lips. "Yes, that's right" Derek said. "Raise your head up slave" Leonard said to me and I raised my head up to look at him in the eye and I saw as his eyes widened in shock of seeing me again. But this time I wasn't wearing tattered clothes again. I was putting in a blue royal gown and blue fur coat. But it didn't stop there as Master Derek and Magnus had shifted back to thier original form, not their giant form which I was grateful. "How... How... You.... You " Leonard couldn't find the right word to say as the shock of seeing me again and Master Derek and Magnus shifting right in front of him. This time it was Master Derek who had the evil smirk on his lips. "Surprise to see me again" Derek said to Leonard as he began to walk close to him. Leonard stood up in fear as he started moving backwards till he pinned himself to the wall he behind him. I have never seen him so scared of anything as he was always bossy, it serves him right. ' but why was he scared of master Derek, did master Derek do something to him the last time they met'

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