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Betrayed princess:charming prince

Chapter 3 Detention

Word Count: 1547    |    Released on: 02/08/2022

s start again.

f the Great Galactic Empire of Ambapuram, i

voice. Varsha's nostrils flared in anger at the question. How dare a common police officer insult her dres

ilitation here." He said

he was? She got up in anger and took two steps towards him intending to stop him. She felt tw

ght. Pathetic, considering that she, who was considered tinier than a dwarf in her empire, was 6 feet high and could easily top most of the women here. She stepped out of her bed moving towards the dressing table she had found. At least, these people knew about the importance of grooming. She gasped as she looked at herself. Why was she dressed in und

ted wailing. Her cries of anguish brought some women who were scantily dressed (or so she thought). She looked at them in pity for a second and continued to wail in her grief. The matron, an elderly

parents? Are you home sick? Shall we send you back home?" she

kind lady's shoulders and sobbed more. The lady patted her back soothing her with kind words. No translator was needed to understan

d been a small gulp for her, hardly quenching her thirst after the anguish of losing her virtue. It brought tears to her eyes again. The woman gave her a jar of water that brightened the face of this strange teenage woman. She drank the water thirstily, finishing i

asiness and tried again. "Tell me child

obbed. "Why did they shock me unconscious to satisf

as molested. There were several security features that prevented men from molesting women. It was simply not

underclothes?" Varsha asked her

aying. It didn't make any sense. One minute she claims to have been wronged and then she claims

was the standard dress for inmates under 25 years. Was this girl loose in the head? Had the electric shock been too much for her? The matron thought as she struggled to decide what to do wit

u think are the

rskirt. How can you not know what an heir apparent to the th

ile sleeping. You will be issued a green half saree which is what young women like you wear. No woman under 25 years is allowed to wear a saree unless she is betrothed to someone. So I

not going to give up so easily. She was a princess after all! She was used t


f Saurasena Empire, in the Gange

w me any proof of your engagement?" Varsha raise

at were bound with a heart in the middle. The matron had never seen such an expensive ring in her life. Nor had she ever seen such a lovely design. She d

t the saree in a short while but you

ha said gracefully

t the garment woven with great skill. It may not be a royal garment but would have to do for now till she found an employment and a way to buy some proper clothes. She had been happy that the elderly lady had given in so easily. She closed the door, bolting it firmly before she proceeded to change. When she was finished, she walked

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