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Rescue Me

Chapter 4 I faced my fear

Word Count: 1342    |    Released on: 06/08/2022

ls, the pains relieved for a while but came back after some time. At the Time Mr Henry was already out of the house so she quickly put through to Fred via the cell phone he bought for her on their la

inish your job before leaving" Mr castle's voice thundered from his office. His office is made of a transparent glass so he could see whosoever and whatsoever that is Happening in the firm. "I will be right back in a jiffy" , Fred

up on the bed . " Oh Fred you are here already, I don't really know what is wrong, I have been been feeling so dizzy and uneasy, I don't really know what to do so that's why I called you" Ann

s that surrounds the conception so they tried to calm her down but she wouldn't stop crying and trying to roll off the bed. Fred rushes in when he hears about what's happening" Anna I know how you feel right now but just calm down as everything will be ok and you will be fine, okay". " Oh Fred you pretend you know how I feel but I know you don't, come to think of it, I am doomed fo

her house but to elope with him to their expensive mansion but Anna won't just accept the idea. Fred exhausted all the means to convince her but all to no avail. "Anna you shouldn't go back the

and excellent mode of service. Their customer service is top notch and they are mostly frequented by the nobles. Fred takes Anna in for some

the baby. The irresponsibility of Mr Henry over the years has resulted in the plight of Anna. She has been in he

" Tell me Anna who is he, who got you all these before I kill you", Mr Henry threatened. " Oh dad I don't know what you are talking about no one got them for me, I got myself all these, I took up a day job and was paid so I used the money to get all these ". Mr Henry chuckled, knowing fully well that she lied. Well, it was quite easy to detect the lie because the stuffs Worth more than Mr Henry's two months salary. " You can't deceive me ,I am wise, , no one will pay you such a huge amount on a day job. Anna quickly shakes off his hands and tried to run out of the house, immediately he pushed her to the wall where she hit her stomach and started bleeding from her vagina. " Oh it's a miscarriage , aaaarrrhhhh" Anna shouted. As she was down there bleeding, she cries the more. Me Henry

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