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Rescue Me

Chapter 5 The return

Word Count: 1214    |    Released on: 06/08/2022

the medications of Mr Henry. She believed all the lies that he told her about the cause of his injured hand. "But what made her do this to you, come on this is too much for you,wh

they both chuckled. They both had a long conversation and quiet good time. After the treatment he goes back home that evening. "what must have happened to her, after the last time we met , I haven't heard from her. I hope she is safe and nothing has happened to her. Maybe I will just stop by her place at close of business today."

er dad and Fred. Her departure has caused enough trouble for Fred. He doesn't sleep well at night, insomnia has deal

ve . On getting to his destination, he quickly makes his way to the metallic door that is the main entrance. " Who is her? Knock!! Is anyone in?" He shouted. I think Fred forgot the warning that Anna gave him about visiting her and how violent her dad is. " You can come in" a bas

ow what you are talking about neither do I know who she is, arrrrrrgh please let me go am innocent, it h

me be", Fred begged for freedom. The whole scene was getting interesting already. " Ohh now I get it , you are the lover who buys gift for her all the Time and you even got her

I am Fred Castle the son of castle castle, you are daring

y laughing so loud to cover the fear. " I will kill you and even your so clai

hem. As Fred is about to leave he receives a phone call from his lover telling him to meet her at their favorite spot the next day by 9a

. He moved closer and they both hugged and kissed. Anna narrated all she went through made her to run away." Oh my God! Anna I'm so sorry you had to pass through all these all because of the little things I bought for you" Fred sympathizes. " well your dad tortured me yesterday just because I went there to

ck there for your health sake, I am begging, " Fred pleaded. Anna claims going back there is the best thing that sh

e discussions Anna is bent on going back there . Fred wishes her all the best and promises to pro

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