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The sorcerer's unfinished business

Chapter 2 The spell

Word Count: 1604    |    Released on: 06/08/2022

he sorcerer's unf

orcerer to help them strengthen their rule. Cassius had once ruled beside a king, and I was sure that this king's descendants—especially king Ambros

growing weak, what used to be a lovely garden—that he had always revived without water, but magic—

e a loud creaking noise. I peeped inside but saw nothing. There was only a dea

e to jerk up with fright. The voice sounded weak, but h

trying to peer in the darkness to

ou are seeing, but not what is beyond it" his v

my nose, trying to calm my nerves that had strayed

need from m

. Her name is Claudia Garlasar. Would y

lights flickered on. The ancient one was sitting on the ground sorounded by can

w you would come to me one day, I ju

" he

he meant by that. I sat next to him and could feel

business wi

have a feeling that I'm about to take a str

take is covered in darkness. But you mus


you wan

" I muttered

ster–kora– that Cassius was plotting to destroy her, since Sorcerer's can inherit power from their line, Kora believed what Areebah had said. They all plotted against him and used the king to summon the Taurus coven who were capable of l

this, since it happened

ith stunned disbelief. Sorcerer's unlike witches, can live extended periods of time since they were cap

im and my mouth gaped in astonishment, his

her, it took me over five hundred years to see you. I must warn you,

n P

itement, as she flapped her wings eargely. I tunneled my fingers through her feathers and smiled. She w

oenix, doesn't mean I'm some kind of weapon or object. I stood up, ready to continue my jour

d rocketed high up in the sky, making noise

circles around me, making angry noises. She was getting tired of the journey, it would be easier if I could just shift

n. In the past couple of years, I had locked my bird inside. But it didn't make me feel better–Lacie was my fiery bird (my phoenix guardian) and

calm my nerves as I began to feel my temperature rise as my bird begun to push over. Then I shifted. My wings spread out, sparks of fire emerging from them. I gazed Lac


lives was pretty simple, until one day, I received the news of their death and travelled from Elmun back to Armski


now conscious about anything I was doing. Images of him and Klaudia reeled in my head. I figured how much he must have been in love with her, how he felt when he was betrayed by Areebah and Kora. I couldn't help but remember the physical pain I felt when I learnt of my pa

l, so that I could locate Klaudia's bones. After aligning all the i

one or two things I would do for you Rhys. B

Trust me. Nothing bad w

wly. I began chanting trying t

s Neurentis col

Neurentis colo

s Neurentis col

a P

ice that she was straining and panicked. A drop o

berating spell and she wasn't strong enough to perform it. The candles begun to flicker as if there was a

need to sto

-s c-o-l-o-s-e-l-i-o l-i-b-e-r-e-t-u-s." She

ned her eyes,

d her" she

her bones Kaia. I've found her" s

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