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Colourland Part 2: Attack of the Smithson Family

Colourland Part 2: Attack of the Smithson Family


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 9692    |    Released on: 02/08/2022



s Easeion, Tara and Bill were tal

yon and Colourea must be

be great "

ayon sadder than

lationship between Crayon and Colourea

will understand that I have

gle will be gre

r will love it

save the relationshi

cannot last for the sake o

d Warbler will try to

aid Easeion. " We cannot be afrai

e can forget abo

" sai

no fear w

mithsons are

haha " s

o scary to them

I end the romance " said Easeion. " We will

his sorrow, the Bear

ree siblings and every mem

e to end it all

e will ru

hurt, the pain will c

much for Crayon

le what we are d

to Colourea is g

s " sa

ill go " s

a and Bill l

, Blackina and Wh

e Smithsons to end the

the time Crayon must be k

destroying it, it will do wond

s strong if he is suff

members to find out who th

ust be eliminated a

and that is what we

the bakeries, it will lead

there will be no problem

l take over as a couple with the romance between Crayo

hen he gave a kiss

had left the hideout. Easeion saw a man

Crayon ? "

where he is "

urland know of him, don't f

not be fucking ar

lowing anyone

ere " sa

te any defense of

to protect him, Crayon m

t " said

better "

towards the man, t

ey " sai

eywise, you are not telling me where Crayon

g to take your stuff and l

is how

at a man, knocking him out. Tara and Bill then st

ere Crayon is, then we will

you do that "

d the Se

money or Crayon be wit

k abou

a does nothing for Col

did see someone that talks to Cr

on is that ?

the bakery "

" sai

the bakery " said on

" said

eans A

headed to this bakery demanding to know the w

us where this person that k

Artby ? " a

bably is him

d us to Crayo

ctly ? " asked the baker. " Wait a

keep baking bread I suggest you

ll, be smart h

her Bill knows

rtant to lis

" said

o if we find him, then Crayon w

is right now but he could

ey live ? " a

know " sai

ind Crayon

t get away "

hsons will

mbers then headed out of the bakery

llenger on it

that ? a

may know of where Cr

sure he does

Bear " sa

r mouth "

im out. The three siblings then knocked

in there "

to jump out the window. Easeion then used the Super

w. Bill, Easeion and Tara then used their Shadow Blasts and tri

hing about Crayon fo

the place

nnot wait "

ger will

oes want tha

te a note in the office. The three siblings left the room, then they had robbed the man they knocked o

have great new

it ? " ask

Challenger, we believe he is l

ience the downf

plies from the

We will be sending in members of

o see "

l face his demis


ded to their par

uke, Artby and Warbler g

the office of Chal

good idea "

o " said

ce of Challenger and no

ned ? " aske

have found out

s won't like th

to see Challeng

talking to him, bakers

much, I will do a

go " sai

oticed that there

happened here

he Bear got in he

are all gone

a note " sa

ead it " s

ot try to stop us. " The romance between Crayon and Colourea will b

together is not worth that

about yo

really wo


st have escaped

is, but we need to sto

roy Crayon and Colourea being to

will weaken us " sand the romance betwe

r as well, and we canno

t good " sai

u have shown baking bread at

o brave, I

ks " said

I will fight for any br

e of th

eir Air techniques, Colouruke's water techniques plus Colourea and Artby were using their Light techniqu


ch for C

r and both Crayon, Colouruke, Colourea,

Whites and Blackina about th

ind him " s

hat he looks like so we can send in t

Blackina. " Crayon will lead us to the others, all

on sad then I am fine w

kept alive for

eed to end the romance but first

n was talking wi

ust be found "

ly " sa

im, so we will fi

said E

not hide

to the hideout. The members left the hideout and headed in these giant vans, some on helicopters and in small pl

ent outside and were looking for Challenger all

en started ta

ill be found "

e, by us " sa

him, Easeion scared h

nside his office

siblings "

he Bear take him

type of man to allo

said Artby. " We are j

oy all five of you h

so pow

rn and The Bear won't


Bear members who then

own this street and they saw t

ters followed them in the building. The five fighters then saw Chal

ours " said on

s not " s

peak to him " sa

t him do that

Bear, Easeion has questions

o us, then a fight is happe

hose chances

ger eating bread, it

hat, time to fight "

ikes but Artby used the Super Light Bomb, knocking them dow

while Crayon and Warbler used their Super Air Bombs on them. A huge explosion happened, but the men were defeated. Crayon and War

gs to us, Challeng

on has questions fo

ns ? " as

you represent " sa

present for Challenger

g to spare you " sa

ger from what "

romance, he will not kill

louruke. " Why does Easeion wa

it, it will weaken you Cra

t him do that

im in good shape so

n is letting you not be dead by hel

nding the romance will we

you as the biggest threat to him and o

nce, it will do wonders for Th

said the fifth member. " Do you want t

harming Colourea is not somet

n the bakery, so I wo

er. " Just like Easeion, we gave you this opportunity to

on " said

ur demise " said

used their Air Kicks while Colouruke used his Sea Kick to attempt to weaken

Blasts to knock them down but the woman was able to get through and hit Crayon. The men got up and then l

a. Colourea punched her. The woman then used the Darkness Blast while Crayon used the Air B

d the fact that his idea for sparing Co

seeing my siblings ki

cross me and make

er let anyon

the romance will be d

will be so sad

s his sorrow, there i

regret this

first, not that I would need to "

sad will be si

forever after thi

like that

e is nothing than s

on. " We are just too

ot wait to see the sad look on his fac

ll, Blackin can be the new ru

for Blackina as we

will " s

thing, there is no stoppin

being a S

, I love it "

ha " all three

, Blackina and Wh

ld finish them off e

will end Coloure

rayon sad "

fy him and we will lo

Whites. " How could the Be

w ruler with Black

life, I will love being in co

wonderful " s

it not be "

hing, Challenger must be fi

to those five, I don't know what it is

ct those five, for that h

ext " said Whites. " We know that

e destroyed if

will not be too far

out with him so it will

na headed to a sep



f the hideout and then they headed

e bakeries target

from him "

bring Artby out in

defend him must be d

n never mes

ve that happen

will let him be

ar is to

great organizat

o stopping u

gets in

go " sai

then fired the Lightning Blas

to stop Easeion b

doing this ? "

out Artby this

m here or this will co

t messing a

a customer with t

. Tara then used the

used the Super Shadow Bomb while Bill used

re going to do t

ring out Artb

or sure " s

ow he is ab

ke advantag

thson will

m then robbed th

nd aimed their Shadow Blasts direc

t. Bill then used the Sea Punch on a baker which

akers and citizens they t

be terrified

me for a fight

he terror within him, t

ady for him

aha " s

o see " s

or within so many p

needs thi

is good "

p the go

keep doing what

lackin and Blacki

on the lips. Artby, Colouruke and Warb

s so happy with Col

od " said

happy " said Artby. " Bread

m be happy with Colou

eroic in the fights, it can help

all that ? "

e flour makes us heroic but it does " said Artby. " I have truste

bakers ? "

le to make friends, feed us, help us fight and they

ing in bakers ? " asked Colouruke. " Bread is gre

nd trusts in bakers a

de, Crayon and Colourea are pr

t and then headed outside whe

ve found you "

cceed in this

, our leader will be the new r

eady " sai

ing way that I'll go down " said Artby. " The b

will join our leader as the new

iend ? " ask

ongest woman you will ever f

oman ever ? "

olourea and Alice

gher than the Smithsons

even stronger than Easeion " said the third member. " Give up now

beatable " s

is lover " said the first member. " Even if the members you

the bakers, what is that

u eat bread all the time so they were sent

them do it agai

nothing against them "

t on " sa

ght st

Bombs while Crayon and Warbler used t

Strikes but Crayon used the Air Kic

ched another. Those two men were defeated but the man grabbed Colourea. The man then tripped Colourea into Cray

cted Challenger about the inf

is girlfriend that is the strongest woman in

Stronger than Tara, curious

seems to want to be ruling Col

ting and finding out more i

true " s

ater " said

Blackina w

ra fight tomorro

what we want

l be history "

hip will be no mo

a " said

so much " s

ct together "

y are " sa

means everythin

" said

couple not


g The S

httime, Crayon and Colo

and Colouruke

o happy said Artby. " He will

read ? " as

ow, he is so happy now " said Art

s ? " asked

ch, which will make him so happy s

Crayon, they t

m ? asked Colouruke. "

with heroism, it can help wi

" asked Warbler. " Never h

, when he gets really happy then we can

? " asked

everywhere, Colourea notices it " said

ck, Artby " s

id Artby. " Crayon's

arbler. " Anyways we

re " said

as well, I love b

n, bakers have so mu

the bakery is love

talking to t

nd them and soon as po

one extremely sad moth

inished off it will

derful for The B

" said

the sorrow within C


need his friends dead, I need to t

ood " sai

the sake of the organ

Bill and Tara to

on the way but you

s good to me

e Crayon sing

want him "

e to go "

you all soon

sure " s

ee us again

guarantee "

Colourland, Easeion he

Artby asked Crayon to buy

to a baker while Cray

lping Crayon ou

m out ? " as

s helped Crayo

ped Crayon ? "

d the other part of it helps Crayon ou

don't really think that bread can help Crayon w

ve the man

purchases and he has been

on's the man

does s

ove b

h Crayon after he h

Crayon " s

lcome " s

st and then they headed out

em " said A

ly powerful " said

they are all stronger than

a saw the fi

ive " s

us " sai

ead I ate, I

save you her

ll. " Crayon prepare t

will be just happiness, no so

at, The Bear will t

n't need to waste his time when his great

true " s

great S

need to fight

true " sai

me being " said Bill. " If you refrain from gett

decision to m

four will fa

bout it "

" said Crayon. " I wo

t those words, C

the love you have for

ngle, the Bear w

not put up with

t Colourea t

said Bill. " We roughed up lots of ba

great people


l hurt them th

annot in

Colourea just like our great brother Easeion wants " sa

e to fight

help me here

ve never le

ers not "

be histor

not " s

oes so muc

gainst me "

change this fi

t on " sa

l going down


h attacks hit, Tara then fired off the Super Darkness Bomb on Artby while Crayon

ed their Super Light Bombs whi

b ? " ask

w technique

are to

Shadow Bomb while Crayon and Warbler used their Super Air Bombs while Artby u

their Super Light Bombs while Crayon used the Super Air Kick, the attacks hit. Colouruke then charged his Sea Blast towards B

his Super Air Blast towards Bill while Tara used her

Sea Punch while Colouruke used his to try to defend Colourea. The attacks hit each oth

time is over

those bakers

besides allow us to rob the bak

for me and for eve

e too tough for yo

said Artby. " The bakers

e so import

are not going to care

see you again if you ke

one wonders for Col

saved us so

n, not baker

ts, all the bakers care about is the money

ney " sa

the money, baker

bout me in the

think that you are winning against a family as great as the Smiths

read in history and it wouldn't be eno

fighting "

ve in myself, b

l help me ou

ue this fight

explosion full of light and wind energy while Tara used the Shadow Implosion. Crayon an

nic Blast ? "

Water attack you ha

be taken

help me here

was struggling while Colour

ahahaha "

ruly be proud of

rother like him by do

ther like him ?

brother, and he tr

he's not here

Easeion, he has done so

d Colouruke. " Wha

d to fuck with me, that's what bei

eans a

a great

a lot of people

t brother ? " asked Crayon. " Nev

d harming people in his way and you five wi

on't understand what hurting people ha

what I have with

d Bill. " They had to suffer, it

brother who allows th


allow anyone to try

ould understand

me he did not

end of Colourea which th

will pay

ill be gone

ill be hurt

for baking, bakers and

ers not "

ger be with Colourea

uper Sea Bomb while Warbler used the Super Air Bomb, the

rea was starting to slightly struggle. Bill then started to use the Supreme Oceanic Blast

finish you t

keep going, I am a custom

can fight is so h

't matter

g does so muc

has cha

me into someone who u

ances of protecting the romance bet

ing to do here and we will

t for bakers

love Co

having her i

won't be seeing her

going to

ght co

Implosion while Bill used

d the Super Light Bombs while Warbler used the Super Air Blast, the attacks hit crea

the Smithsons, Colourland will be

ll be proud

t over " s

about that, Cra

e this fight

s a great ide

the Super Air Kick, Warbler used the Super Air Bomb on Tara while she used the Quad

ile Crayon and Warbler used their Super Air Bombs. The at

own, preventing her from defeating him. Warbler then launched

ill used his own. Colourea then launched the Super Light Bomb. The atta

en used the Shadow Implosion while Tara kept using th

Bill do this

een given a cho

l be thrilled

he has made the Shadow Implos

k called Super Shadow Impl

ngle, we have waited fo


s you single,

ut Crayon then got in the way and used

will regret th

not " sai

ith Colourea will do

annot s

lourea and you will end up taking too mu

I will give it ever

ll love this

troyed for a while now " said Bill. " With it gone, t

girlfriend ?

is the most dangerous woman anyone has ever seen,

not Crayon

w queen of Colou

? " asked Crayon. " We

se hits for Colourea you won't beat e

ip with Colourea ends o

fight and win if you pro

why does Easeion want to end what I have so

't unde

n " said Bill. " He knows by making you single it w

t he fight then

rselves, he trusts in us and that is what

are strong eno

is struggling a lot " said Bill. " I'll make Ea

nd he will laugh

his romance, as Smithsons we c

ntinue " s

or Easeion when he sees tha

get what he wants f

ping that, Easeion

Crayon but Crayon was able to avoid i

Quadruple Shadow Strike while Crayon used the Light Implosion which h

ea Implosion which he f

o be single, hahahaha

you to get in

r Air Bomb to get in

" said Bill. " Enjoy the s

you single which is what

be so happy to

feating Colourea but

you against u

it would go like

to attack Colou

er ? " ask

pletely pass

his way, you know th

ve you will have to le

lourea is mand

ust und

ifice Colourea or your

ea will

s happening to yo

ng to trick me

have been able to win the fight but your feelings for Colour

to deal with this for

t that

, let's keep fight

to be taken d

ed the Light Implosion. Tara then rushed to attack Colourea with the

ore but Tara was seriously strugglin

Colourea no

said Bill. " I will keep attac

ore, Crayon will not be

Air Kick which made her almost defeated. Crayon then used the Light Implosion towards

e beaten Tar

hocked h

Colourea more t

ead, and she will n

e happy to see me succe

rea is

t over " s

arantee you are sing

hat will happen wh

that ? " a

ws of what Colourea me

you single f

not get to find

inue fightin

re going to be

not go ag

t on " sa

th his Light Implosion and the attacks hit. They both were

p Colourea's body and then started

a will no longer exist " said Bill. " Easeion will

ut he was able to move Colourea out of the

and kicked the body of Colourea. He then pu

a after she has been defeated, her

is so close

will be

kill her "

ast minute of seeing her body not being dead b

be single

r single life

o stop me and

u from doing thi

ea will

inue this figh

a will no

make yo

insisted on you

being single, let's contin

to get what they

losion. Bill aimed his attack towards Colourea. Crayon was struggling t

ut not enough to kill her. Bill and Cra

elieve this

make sure Colou

h that much to the organ

g means everyth

ody but Crayon then got up and shook him off Colourea and then kicked him. Crayon then was able to launch the Super Ligh

d the hospital. Challenger arrived, and

Challenger. " All of you look beaten up reall

d Crayon. " Bill attacked Colourea while she was defeated and tried to kil

wanted to end the romance so badly

to be a lot str


on. " Easeion will be out for revenge for his siblings I

ough that they will not search the hospita

make it after what B

e will have to stay here longe

like a good ide

agree " sai

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