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Revenge of a mafia son

Chapter 8 Shadow

Word Count: 1142    |    Released on: 06/08/2022

rk pitch cloud showing night that stood at akimbo glaring down on the

tes the blue sky, serving as an alarm to

a good night's rest while waiting for the br

eir bed at least for a couple of hours before it relea

rent, the pitched dark cloud was darker than usual as there wa

berating rumbling of a thunderbolt that quake the earth, swiping away all thin

ly, roaring and baring its powers out for all to see creating fear in the he

different mist and sand to them, blinding their eyes with

lking, majestically as its heavy boot hit loudly on the grou

and hoodie which cover the face shading it fro

her hands as the two were stuck into its pocket sh

the gossipmonger front and back which stood out whistling it

se built in an isolated area surrounded by thick bushes a

s swung open after a few minutes by a bunky

racing in his voice.One could tell from his tune that

fore I smash it.."The figured commanded

the figure inside.He signed"BT (Bi

of the night?The hell! it fucking midnight. "He yelled.Angr

"She shrugged ignoring his words e

fucking wake me up from my beauty slee

ng such a baby...got a ciggar?

lding it for her.She sat down and he went to a tabl

.She collected it and begin to smoke."i came

he dramatically yelled ra

xcitement to send me an angel in

king a sign of the cross an

ous!Ifucking miss you.sorry I couldn't come

s hands dismissively and dr

s and smoked for himself ,taking in lots if gump,he

elieve me "S


side there's no way in hell you'd leave your house to see me at the middle of the night


at?"He i

res from her pocket and gave

rl .But,

and those couple."she puff out smoke"What I was told about

mond secret room ,it has spark great

k familiar to him but he couldn't place where he had met her due to i

know who she is and what he

'when she pop out of your beautiful legs ,I couldn't

ut ,raising her hsnds to her head she m

but ,I have a feelin

e two pictures intently " i t

ught as the smell and sound of puffing of the ciggar

ia decides to break it

this one is gone."she replied showi

it to her and she lit it up and res

lings of the bird and the sorting cal

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