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Author: Chun_m4r

Chapter 1 THE GIFT

Word Count: 6687    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

their time of existence as humans just to suck their life out of them, where pixies are the most cunning, deceitful and selfish creatures and Elves are very rare and t

doesn't like the fact that Necromancers are snatching the dead from his grip. Even the witches and wiza


body pains. It was as if she was really running from something. She couldn't understand this dream. It always started with her running but then at the end she'd either trip and fall, making the thing caught up with her. Or she herself would stop in her tracks and attack whatever she was running from but at the end she'd realize that she actually murdered her mate. The dream could change totally. She wouldn't run b

ttle girl spoke. "Mother are you go

and couldn't kill no one. Her fangs throbbed. She wanted to sink it into something. She could finally feel Vampires edge to kill. She felt inhumane,she couldn't feel any emotion as she sinked her fangs into her own cub's neck. The girl's screams filled her mind as she woke up from her dream. She held her head in her hands a

is and brought it to his lips. " You know I'd never judge you Eleanor ", he said and gave her a small smile. For everyone else it could b

l . " This one was very different, she started. I didn't

sked. "Even worse, Eleanor replie

r into a hug as he took in her scent to calm his wolf down. But he knew very well he needed it too. He was scared too. What was happening to his mate?, It was the very question he asked himself every single day. Now she was almost due to deliver their first cub, soon-to-be Alpha King. "I'm scared Bl

Blake said as he held

't know why you're seeing this, Blake said quietly.

she took his han

seeing a witch,it's always like you got sick suddenl

y a witch can explain better. And I'd rather see

ure?", Ele

d her forehead. "Let's get some sleep,we leave

n each other's arms


till filled his ears. They had to see the Ancient Mother, eldest of all the witches and Eleanor's maternal grandmother. But it could wait, it's not every day Eleanor slept this well. Ever since her dr

ke up to meet the othe

ld leave a total of six guards behind their door to t

d My Queen

aid to come in

d ready

asked unsure of his

lpha?", She as

ueen,he said,he'd be back as so

ll these bodyguards were new but she was watching them carefully. One of them would be her man. One who'd obey her before he obeyed the King and she thought Usher was just the right person for the job. He was always with a

eanor said and Ruth simply bo

how to please

shower gel,then a little bit of

er head down. Even if she was The Queen Luna's

e", Ruth said with

. But today she didn't have the strength to have that talk so she simply nodded. Ruth walked to Eleano

ide Your Grace ",Ruth


h asked. She had helped Eleanor get dr

ng or you want me to get you replaced?", Eleanor teased. She

Grace, it's

rgive me. I want to keep servi

one as loyal as you. Someone who cared about me much more than my mother ever did. Someone who would

still kissing her feet

hair. She settled for a French b

Grace ", Ruth an

, Eleanor acknow

at the door. Ruth leaves t

ng is waiting for them to have lunch. Eleanor qu

met with her dear mate's. He quickly stood up

kin on her lap. He picked up the spoon and scooped some soup. Before he could bring it up to Eleanor's

ke the smell, plus no cabbage, you love cabbage but our baby doesn't and she made it ex

Eleanor asked a

emember the first day you got to know we we

wouldn't be after realizing she had been pai

cary El",

e been thought were-history, we're told The Alpha King is the scariest of all weres, so I was

and what a real mate could make you feel" , said Blake. "

resisted from it. His mate has always been the shy type. After all these years she was still shy. Eleanor

ymore ", Eleanor tol

ruits,then we can leave", Blake

her nose up mak

redit card", He teased and continue

e fresh water melons. Eleanor a

en feeding me and I keep eating everything

on let's hurry up and leave, the old witch's


,he sc

,and your grand- mother-in-law",

er melons. After, she drank an apple juice. Blak

were everywhere and it is said that they love the woods just like most supernaturals. They've been using pregnant women to revive the dead. They used the souls of the unborn babies to revive dead witches and

he change in his mood. She took his hand in hers an

smile and kiss

Kobe also sat next to Blake and the car took off , follo

out two and half hours. They walked for a while

soon,damn it", Blake

", Eleanor tried

The Necromancers are gonna come out once it's d

ight purple. Eleanor gasped. Not long after, a purple portal opened up and an older woman, probably in her late

nd bowed. Eleanor was surprised .W

ven without the witch abilities. You're still The Ancient Mothe

d minds?", E


r", she said with a bow. " Shall we?", She asked summoning the portal

all entered, the

cloaks but it was the direct opposite. You could actually see nobody along the way. Kids weren't pl

sed her

e?", Blake asked

een gone for too long and you know no

think she wanted to be alone that's why s

re right Blake. She was so happy when

didn't want to upset the witch. Witches d

she re

ne's around,not even the

me months ago. The necromancers were able to revive dead vampires and witches to a

leanor closer to his bod

rtal. The only one who can open it is the Ancient Moth

leanor said clearly upset. "Aren't they

cticioners of magic. We were born with magic, then lea

She asked Blake. He s

ell like?", S

", he replied wi

't feel like gagging, correct?", S

vil ones smell rotten, the rest of us smell like fresh rai

smell, correct?, She asked

s that smell

", Blak

ent Mother believes only you two can save us all.

estion, Elphaba interrupted her. "We'

ack, it was a little brick house

haba said and bowed,

for you Eleanor", Th

ed your help",

ng", The Ancient Mother stated

u know?", B

, future and the present but not all

t Mothe

ted but wa

u can call me grandma

said and Eleanor's heart started beating fast.

assured her. "It's a warning. A warning that the war is close and it may even

do then grandma

", Gaia

?", Blak

Gaia said

e saviour, the greatest protector to have ever walked

abilities and still keep the wolf abilities. You just have to wa

out to you?", Eleanor

rdian,wards away evil. When your child it's

Watch out for your betrayer,

ase tell me", E

sadly. " The only person you can trust is your mate",She added and she coul

rooms", Gaia said and gave them room

new the meaning of her visions. Morning came and after breakfast they were ready to leave. As Alpha

rld was really bad. She prayed the Moon Goddess protected them till her pup was born and ready to save them. She finally kissed her grandma goodbye. Gaia didn't leave no stone unturned and warned Blake against hurting her fav

their journey home. Eleanor was reall



th any moment from now. Blake didn't go to the Pack House no more. He just worked from home. The only problem he had was that of

meeting after Eleanor gives birt

that he got startled when Bet

tell me we're under attack. Did you protect the Queen

ically. "The Queen Luna is in labour

As soon as the receptionist saw him,she directed him to the Special ward. He sat outsid

be okay",Kobe assured h

it weren't for Kobe, Blake would

hours and hours of wai

how's the Queen

ied. "Your girl was a little

ally stubborn"

talking about the baby, it's a gir

nted a girl ", he finally found his voice and s

or agreed and l

the only one glowing. He was too. He quickly wen

kissed her with urgent need as if he'd lost her and gotten her b

, Blake

g, it's bad for her innoc

e all the nasty things she'll do when she grows up", Bl

r out even on a dat

ght of a name?

or no

eanor replied


ur son Roman. I remember you told me that name sounded all ancient and p

st ever Female Alpha Ki

ng is in three day

a little time, what if things

rd nothing from the Vampires, there's chaos everywhere and time is not on our side. During the council meeting you're not supp


h her coughing. Blake brought a glass o

u moved to our Wing", Blake told Eleanor an

hought then finally closed her ey


her sleep. She tried to open he

r side Blake",Kobe whispered s

council meeting had been resche

it to tomorrow night?", Blake as

rn plains were att

olf Lands",Ko

ha was bitten by a Vampire. The bite wasn't t

ave they already appointed

for your order Ki

e an kids?",

ear old boy",

could lead the Pack till the boy is old enough to tak

nt Kobe. Do it Darwin", Bl

for. To make hybrids of different species. Announce

he wolves. I'm not sure the Vampires will show up but it's worth trying",

's crib. Baby Romania, and

his Queen and

e of the bed and laid down. He prayed that night

council meeting so he left for the Pack House quite early but not f

Blake made it home before

ncil meeting had been pushed forward

e asleep and when I left this morning

anything and her lips

ut an hour, help me get r

can also show Romania to eve

tay in the room. Usher will be outside, I know he'll protect you two with hi

re going to be fine, we'll raise R

ready, go take a

her on her cheek and

for her messed up life. She picked Romania up from her crib and brought her closer to her chest. She

r. She kept on staring at Romania and playing with he

ald eyes grew wide. She had her father's eyes but her hair looked nothing lik

there were traces of silver in her emerald orbs and her hair had tu

the baby wouldn't know what she was saying. The b

t opened so Eleanor looked up

let me help you get dresse

y girl that you forgot about me so I

nce I started playing w

Blake r

so beautiful", Eleanor daydreamed. "It

s?", Blake asked and Eleanor nodde

only n

red their little angel. He prayed this real

re's silver in her eye

how daddy your hair", Eleanor told her daughter,s

stand you El", B

Romania and

nd wolf abilities. She looks weeks old", Blake told Eleanor." I believe in

ania",he whispered

ed to hear you say you believed in her , I'm gonna have a re

s after her mothe

ed her closer to him and hugged her. He prayed t

was a knock

Eleanor sai

"sorry for the interru

, he added, b

issed Eleanor on her cheek an

and as the baby sl

Eleanor said with a sad smile. Even s

s would be in the meeting

iled at

ssured and left. Eleanor


e Hall Of Death is the war room, for decades, it's been used for war meetings. It had rules that everyone who entered had to follow. You do not go ag

e in the same room as

ame room as a dog, King Valdemore, K

in palace guard,A

there was a war, they'd only help if we'

selfish and greedy",Ko

d for him t

hours back so they can't make i

those creatures are too rare. We'll ha

xclaimed and rose

ur realm. And there's someone wi

s. They're are willing to help. They've been attacked o

,King Valdemore said a

ldemore", One of the Vampire lord

dog ordering us a

, I'm your King and I'm not bothered. This is for all Supernatural

at to do next? Any ideas, Ki

im , I believe we will have to find their leader first",K

so too", Bl

their leader and h

l",a voice said with a sinister laugh maki

ver forget this face. She was his friend,i

could tell she was tired. She tried to put on an intimidating

u Briada?",

",she replied

all these mont

cloak entered. With just a sniff of the air Blake ro

these chaos before our realm, a necromancer. Guards,seize them, I don't

dy to capture Briada and her mate but B

ada Knightlock started this",

all Blake

ueen,you replaced me with my good

nds and you can meet our daughter, pleas

your stupid little

ead from Blake. He used his fast speed to get closer,ready to sink his fa

ant it the hard w

lease,do as you please,attack",she yelled and just like that the Palace of the great King Blake Green was u


ng for entering the Queens quarters withou

anor asked trying to be ca

or blinked away the tears. We must leave no

her Queen. They went through the secret tunnel. They got out safe but then they

thlyn on the other hand had lost consciousness. Usher chec

t looked evil and rotten. Eleanor, pretending to get up scooped a little bit of

never come back",she yelled. But then

protect the baby by running away but if he stayed

e got irritated and dragged Eleano

h and threw Eleanor to Blake

th you both?",she

e looking dogs came to her, "bring m

st wound,he didn't know how he got it , he threw away the blanket and continued running. He fell fla

river. He seemed

d the man was by their side, ta

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