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Word Count: 3075    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

d,still not able to believe

going to ask him to leave. He was always in their meetings since he helped them quite a lot. He had Beta blood but didn't even try to be dom

r pack Nick", Grey replied. "Then after, we will just

d in under

way Usher"

distress. "We will take care of everything,you should

erous. I don't doubt your capability but just le

iously tucked a stubborn strand of hair behind h

, you'll get o

ave the Pack in your hands. Protect

s lips to her j

me there anyway", Cherry replied with a scoff an

we should take her with us,she see


unning late, show the way Usher


says for nth time since Cher

adds and smiles as she ro

y left me behind but Nick went with them. How do

r wolf protect the Pack while The Alpha's away", Gabriella tried her possible bes

, Cherry cussed then immediately

ge ma'am, I'm raising two kids and the langu

r hand from her mouth. Romania c

had her attention. Cherry found her eyes softening as she stared at the lit

her?", Gabriella

hem or something. How could she hate kids when she al

nd over Romania when she

x", Gabriella tried to s

iella. As the two Pack leaders sat down, Gabri

rd,is it?", Ga

head with unshed

to have another baby. She blinked away the tears and smiled. This feeling was new and nice. It was actually something she'd remember all her life. She


the sadness he felt from her through the mate bond. He put his left hand on his chest as he suc

on the brakes bringing the car to a halt. It see

Grey asked,concer

eling Cherry's emotions. I think she wasn't pretending,she really wanted to

ey said trying to console the Beta's mate. "But we can't sulk

d flew to his head, hitting the back of his head quite hard. He so

ke asked as he rubbed the spot

before he could say anyt

ay,let's proceed with

,Usher said from

rt them,we simply have t

side of the door, already s

shifting into your wolf?", Grey ask

his Alpha a

the Pack warrior I left everything to, concerning The

s fast as his wolf abilities could carry him in his human form. He left no

e Pack bond. He knew the formal King's guard was able to hide his emotions from everyone

e ground as the wind brushes through their furs. Grey came to a halt as soon as

en breaths. Grey looked straight

sn't an Alpha he wouldn't hear a thing cause he knew

disgust and sorrow as he heard the

rong?", L

ed on Grey. He raised one eyebrow as i

cried, putting a hand over his

Nick wh


t?",Luke asked no

est thing to do is block their connection. Just like when you block any of the

he screams in his head got loude

oud noises in his head. Yelling at an Alpha wolf really wasn't a wise choice. Grey growled l

heir screams. And as if something snapped in him the screams stopped. Usher helped h

es showing their respect for their Alpha. A

on their territory surrounded by hybrids", the second- in- c

we do?",

any response,he said to himself as he run into the woods shifting mid-air. H

sher crosse

ay?", he m

he was fast enough but not as a wolf. Grey turned his wolf head. As soon as he spot


making my head spin", Gabr

Gabriella on the sofa as she w

e. "It's already sunset and that mate of yours

ehaviors completely. She couldn't get used to the fact that one of the stronges

to her children. She picked up

Queen,let's f

head up and down

d as they walked out of the


so he could get an evening bath and put him to bed while she, together with Cherry waited for the Alpha to return from his rescue mission. But the boy s

?",the blonde greets Jaspe

continues chewing on his fo

especially those who care about yo

ignore whoever", the 3

brings Romania's head to lie on he

nly 3",Norma snorts as

ving problems with words with R, as he observe

rt", Norm

just ign

now about manners"

ll the time",he answers noncha

ear old who finds it hard to get some wo


e Dawn Moon Pack border. He found some clothes by the tree and wore them. At least thi

warriors in all t

e hybrids will smell us as soon as we cross the border. They are 10x more sensitive than any of

ir side,hands on his knees

e. It was already night fall and they didn't know the kind of pred

o,we should blend with the Dawn Moo

s Alpha's command. Feeling they were good to go,th

rned as they moved closer to the Pack House where they kn

to expect but the problem was they had no idea how

ed at the rotten smell and smoke. The s

before he could say anyt

se,the field where they puni

,you and the rest follow me",Usher barked orders and Grey had no problem with

ared to meet at the same dest

behind the Dawn Moon Pack members who were shaking from fear,they

ow. Their true form was like a wolf's partial shift but much scarier. They had fangs, long dark claws,sharp jaw

found the eyes of the speaker. It was a female,she had one red eye and the oth

e only one with both eyes red and from the power radiating off her,

them", the le

started chanting. Just when she was about releasing the fire

ned but the hybrid couldn't r

he has the bearer of the tides

yelled and the boy stood proudly just looking at his hands. He was

e was four",

pha's voice commanded. Grey th

to protect the Pack as he mov

he kind Alpha that helped their previous Alph

, they

tood up furious wi

yelled, ready to tea

ed as he pounced o

he same time protect The Dawn Moon Pack. Usher wasn't doing anything less,he also wanted to

dig her nails straight into Grey's chest. He staggered back and

ughed coughi

es me stronger,she added and slashed Grey's

chest, struggl

this wasn't an easy battle. They

pha once again, releasing his claws. He didn't even sink his claws in her

scratching thei

the clouds turn into

had an effect on the hybrids,they couldn't move,

er amount of power and it burns vampires and all the hy

plunged it into The Hybrid Alpha's heart. And as her screa

sher quickly rushed to the Alpha's side and he

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