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Rise Of The Celestials

Chapter 9 An Important Explanation (1)

Word Count: 2048    |    Released on: 13/08/2022

you acknow

ild. It felt like a part of his thoug

ed, speaking in his mind while his mo

ooked after you when you were still

roduced the two

d his head had to bow ag

the man who had drawn his

ecial but the fact that it had been done sneak

, sir, for

e. You're welcome",

uld confirm his thoughts. This was inde

, all this w

od, earlier that day. He had reported it to the King and they

but it had probably not been enough, esp

more changes or something to observe that change

en it was only his blood. It had even been slightly wor

thoughts were very tame. It was limited to getting his blood back as he was uncomfortab

blood had left his body, it was st

e primordial blood essence also reco

are unacceptable at the moment. Just direct your

emed to be etch

e but it was much easier to

did not say anything. She seemed to write it of

l library has closed its doors, refusing anyone entry exc

ells from the library was because the library sensed the p

nheritor accepted the call of the

ed and it will open its depth of knowledge,

sed a small bottle,

s extracted to be used for diagnosi

n away but at the moment when the bells chimed from the library ear

y of the library and its reac

l as you came clo

with a solemn gaze because this was e

blood was taken for diagnostic purposes. Either, the old man had not t

d when some ways away but it continued to reduce un

ar the library earlier to

ly able to see the library before the chime of th

report to the head supervisor if you

so, You

ve. I believe you shou

olitely. He bowed to the old man and the

ttle with me for now

himself. He wanted the bottle but it was no

tly normal as he walked away. He did turn his head to look back t

k calm as he walked back to his room, hi

ntruded into his mind, speaking to him

door. Nervous he paced to and fro

sent his thought, "I am ba

nds before he heard the same chi

n what you know. Let's jus

nswer was quite nonsensical. It was

truth. I am exactly what you guesse

t confused by

g to do with the l

nd was the only way to communicate

is meant the voice he was hearing was from the library. He shi

? I thought the library is just a bu

d the thought when the v

an build? It was The Primordial World Guardian t

ce as his thoughts whirled around

nicle Of

dial World

ed like they wer

about them when the

rrassing that you don't kn

rld seed came the Void. The Void birthed the aether but the wor

d created chaos in the void, turnin

ransformed into different energy for

ire, Water, Wind, Earth, L

transformed, forming new rules t

form different bodies. They formed planets, stars, galaxies,

and over again. Many more rules were also born and at some point, life came i

into humans, animals, and plants that live

of aether to survive. This led to the consumption

could harness aether and the only thing that they needed was a st

f the world, it devoured life wherever it found them, suckin

oblem with The World Eater devouring The World Seed was that it was an anchor, t

ood out as exceptional figures. They gained the recog

as puzzled as he rep

and Negative, Life and Death, Peace and War... You get the point. The duality is what forms a b

ies and became the rules. They were called Th

y are recorded as The Celestial

rld Eater. They fought with everything they had, tur

The World Eater, let alone kill him. He was

margin, leaving The Ancient Celestials with

o darkness when The Ancient Celestials squeezed out of the last of their vital

one of them who had used that colossal amoun

gave himself as a sacrifice to the World Seed, fusin

s killing it was impossible in the state The

orld Seed had to enter hibernation to keep the world together. This was done by the unre

cle Of Time, a prophecy that dictates the a


r sentence that I believe needs to be

for the things our new

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