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Burning Emotions

Chapter 2 A pair of blue eyes

Word Count: 1461    |    Released on: 09/08/2022

see thi

to the room and cried like

e had left for another life, leavi

of her seeing the broken state of my heart... I was afraid of her seeing how disappointed I felt... I

normal for parents to leave their kids, and maybe

s seen her Mom as the id

nt of people around her and saw he

family, going for movie nights and inviting my best friend

a scar i

ve I believed I would find someday..

image of A

age was now

my mom... It suddenly looked so

s for their own good... or

anything of th

ood... Friends do

overrated, and it wi

n I trusted most in

ng everything and even without me notici

hat w

ed to

his house... This m

re anymore... I

nded in my r

it was a mess

ips, and j

e?~ I typed, sendi

mediately by none other than

o an apartment of her own some time ago, and has

refused becaus

t even look at it without having tears running over my f

n't th

m I c

ing betrayed as long as you believe in this sen

e increase, as I slid in

ng... Maybe I could have stayed and listened to her bleeding heart.

ng her and focu

time she needs a

hat when she comes back...If she does

.. And live

e increase, as I slid in


me to Happy Cones, a min

day drew to an end, even as the day's activiti

ve an Ice crea

uiet with just an old woman s

eady!" Danny grumbled from behind me

hools, her mom Own Happy Cones but stays over

conclusion that if I was going to start staying with her from now o

ill didn't get a job, Danny of

old lady away, Just look at her." I waved at

e comes here every evening! every freaking evening. The hell am h

lly Danny, the

head as she relaxes. thinking I will hee


Johnson away." I walked to the back of the counter to get her someth

ere every afternoon till evening and carries a

y as if she sensed me and waved at me smiling, I had a conversation w

pecial among old people, you'll

o me, " you know am your boss right, and

m to her smiling, " That customers are always right. " I walked away from the

sat on one of the counter stool a

cup like it was her last, some part of her blonde

e you meet

" she asked

" you know what

you takin

when hiding something

rly today. And that only h

brown eyes at m

you a

n't want you listing thos

was e

..... Today!....


h Iva

ll, a n

umped out of the stool and wa


when you are done eati

e a bone crushing hug that almos

e released me almost immediate

she leaves for a date or whatever with just me ending the d

't come for dinner." She scre

ones, it's j

hough my passion for furthering my education decreased, I still wanted to boost my


ot out to

yes was staring

cake ice cream, with

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