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Burning Emotions

Chapter 4 Mr. Ambrose

Word Count: 1346    |    Released on: 12/08/2022

ed as I got out of my car, s

efcase to him, I reduced the tightness

unately, could not keep up as she fell as


dark stood on each

d me, they arched thei

rt nod and walked inside the mansion

ould not force her." Leonard explained though I didn't

d her someth

was the cook of the house and he knows

ime?" I questioned Leonard

at a little ic

tanding?" I needed to be sur

sat on the couch, plac

rd of sir, sh

employed?" I flickered my eyes

r, poured inkings on her hair and call


esses the tooth of a vampire?" I ask

oming unco

that doesn'

ave another start working tomorrow

s si

ixth person that was employed for Annabelle, and one way or ano

topic and carried her from the

led and I stopped moving.


ing a call from

eed a call

signifying Leonard

out your well being and that of the little one

t w

ack to her, I w


oftly on the b

beautiful thing

innocent whi


rised at the same time because this was not the first time she has done this

so prou

brown hair and she s

er the call when two little


sat back cares

?" She moved

y gaze on the

right blue eyes sparkled as th


ut to take a call. D

cooked delicious

ame she preferred

aressed her hair so she


s l

he brought her head down a

fort, but I wasn't ha

in ok? I am not angry but am pissed because you made Daddy so worried

't leave Mr. Grumpy

when she knows her in

gry anymore. Get some sleep now.

uggled closer to me. "I made

softly, pulling the quilt

autiful lady made me yummy ice cream." Her eyes reached o

se n

" She hit her palm on her forehead repeate

dropped her hands at this, I knew what

mine, giving me a little pout . "Dadd

was comin

able yo

hade, I knew she couldn't see my face cl



ay in the park, pray tell me, how d

my eyes glaring at Leonard and Steve, my head

tle child is smarter

up men?" I took a paper wo

could remember, and I know him well to entrust my daughter to him

my pride. She

an most of us here. We shouldn't underestimate her. She was

me, what trick

them looked

abelle have do

ise gift for tonight and insisted on going alone as she doesn't want us spying on her choice of clothing for

And you

she wasn't out, we stormed the clothing store." His

t silent, as I eyed the t

d. "Mr. Ambrose this was all a misundersta

trick she used on yo


ream shop?" She begged to visit the lady agai

med so fond of someo

we know

t it be


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